Structured Water

For a few months now, Neil and I have been enjoying, and no doubt greatly benefiting from drinking the very best structured water.

We live on a semi-rural property and draw some of our water from underground bore and some from the sky above. Our water gets stored as one mass in our water tank. Neil keeps the roof, gutters and tank lovely and clean. We have it checked from time to time at a water lab and it always get glowing reports.

We then take that water from our tank and send it through a couple of carbon filters which we change regularly. Once the water enters the pipe leading to the kitchen, it now passes through a MEA water structuring device.

Learn more here from the experts about how high quality structured water can greatly benefit your health.

This video is an interview with  Rob Gourlay, who’s Australian company makes the device we use. He explains everything we need to know about structured water and healing in an easy to follow way.
