Facebook study support group.

The group name: Healing Cancer Study Support Group.

Learn more about the group here: http://www.myhealingcommunity.com/healing-cancer-study-support-facebook-group/

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2019 – off to a flying start

Jan 2019
Celebrating: learning, co-operation, support & flow
My (Australian) GP approved my use of Dipyridamole yesterday. The chemist will be able to fulfill prescription next week. I will start with 100mg each day for a week and build up to 200mg each day of a slow release tablet.

I have been researching the power of Dipyridamole to inhibit the spread of cancer since I first learnt about it in Jane McLelland’s, How to Starve Cancer book.
Along with Glucosamine Sulphate, Mebendazole & Aspirin, this Dipyridamole will seal the deal when it comes to stopping the release of growth factors/enzymes (VEGF’s & MMP’s) that break down the extracellular matrix and could allow my cancer to spread and grow.

I will just need to keep an eye on my blood pressure levels and make sure it does not get too low. The out of pocket cost is very low, but I will report back when I pick up the script next week.

I can’t recommend Jane McLelland’s book highly enough. “How to starve cancer without starving yourself”. I’ve heard the paper version is out of stock currently but I highly recommend the Kindle version for easy note taking, high-lighting cross-referencing and further online researching. https://www.amazon.com.au/Starve-Cancer-without-starving-yourself-ebook/dp/B07B2XMLT9


I  recently started utilizing the information in the book titled

“How to Starve Cancer without Starving Yourself” by Jane McLelland

and the “McLelland Metro Map” which is explained within the book.

My hope is that this year’s blog entries
will provide information
to the people that are supporting me,
in understanding exactly what it is
I’m doing in an attempt to
heal myself.

I also hope
that the order and accessibility
of the information on this site supports
anyone walking alongside me
on their own healing journeys.


Nothing written here on this site should be perceived as medical advice.

To learn more about my private online healing cancer study support group and resources website. Please visit my healing community’s home base and resources page: www.myhealingcommunity.com/resources