My first CTC test results are in!

Nov 2020 1st CTC Results: 10 ml of blood 3.3 CTC/ml incl 1 cluster. Specimen contained single CTC (n= 16), and one cluster of CTC-like cells with 17 nuclei (n=17), total CTC (n=33), suggesting some residual disease activity. The background shows mild to moderate numbers of immune cells and occasional fungal elements. The CTC count is consistent with a mild to moderate increased risk of tumour progression or relapse.

I am thinking this is not too bad. Still room for improvement (especially re. fungal elements) but really great news worth celebrating. I will continue to pause the Zoladex for now and keep up with immune system and anti-inflammatory focus while pulsing the pathways inhibitors.

March 2022 note: I did end up stopping the Zolodex all together – did not go back to it and have continued with Melatonin which is now 60mg a night and every now and then I will pause it for 5 days and then re-start. My tumor markers remain the lowest of all time and all labs are looking really good. White blood cells were terribly low for years but have come back up to the normal range in past few months. I am living a very active pain-free life, practicing Qi Gong and working as a mental health outreach support worker. Having bone scans once a year and next one due in early May 2022.

Bone healing:

Many women who read this blog have a similar diagnosis to me and write to ask me about what I take each day in regards to my bones mets . Here’s my bone healing list of supplements and studies. None are strictly ‘bone only’ and all have multiple anti-cancer targets.
In early 2023 for ease when updating I have moved my bone met healing research notes to the new parent site: My Healing Community.

You can now find my bone met healing research notes here.

Protection against regular cancer screening procedures.

Here’s a link to a great interview for anyone with cancer to hear. It was most valuable for me to listen to, as I am booked in for both an MRI (with ‘no’ contrast fluids) of my spine and a full body bone scan on the same day to monitor my situation.
The role of high dose vitamin C to support us in protecting our healthy cells while living with cancer scanning appointments and conventional treatment choices is discussed.

High Dose Vitamin C and Cancer: Video

This Chris Wark video interview (see below) is with Ron Hunninghake, MD, the world-renowned expert on the use of vitamin C for cancer and other ailments. Dr. Hunninghake has overseen more than 75,000 administrations of IV vitamin C while serving as Medical Director at the Riordan Clinic, since 1989.

“I have personally experienced many wonderful benefits of supplementing with high dose vitamin C in the form of liposomal vitamin C and believe this video is a must watch, for anyone dealing with any stage of cancer or prevention of cancer”.

The video (below) has been created and offered to us free of charge, by Chris Wark of the ‘Chris Beat Cancer’, healing resource website. Like much of what Chris Wark brings forth into the world, it contains highly valuable information we can all easily utilise in our quest to enhance the quality of our health, the levels of our energy and perhaps even the length of our (one very precious) life.


Be sure to take some notes and listen out for…
-The dosing variances of vitamin C [12:14]
-The perfect adjunctive therapy [19:00]
-How vitamin C kills cancer cells [22:00]
-The Trojan Horse cancer theory [26:33]
-The medicine of the future [31:05]
-Comparing types of vitamin C: liposomal/crystals/buffered [36:30]
-Targeting nutrient deficiencies in cancer patients [43:45]
-The importance of having a reason to live [51:35]
-The alienation accompanying a cancer diagnosis [56:12]
-Other recommended IV therapies [59:04]
-The rise of IV vitamin C in conventional medicine [1:02:40]
-How certain deficiencies might lead to mental illness [1:06:38]

As someone diagnosed in 2017 with secondary breast cancer, who is now thriving thanks to high dose vitamin C, I  feel very strongly about spreading the word about high dose vitamin C. I even created a website dedicated to all things high dose vitamin c.

I hope you head over to my high dose vitamin c site and decide to learn more, especially about liposomal vitamin C. the latest form of high dose vitamin C way more accessible and affordable than intravenous vitamin C.

One Year from Secondary Breast Cancer Diagnosis

I haven’t stopped to write anything here since my last visit to the oncologist ‘because life has just been so go-go-go!’ My little Liposomal Vitamin C making service has found its feet and is adding to the busy-ness…ahhh that’s what it’s called a business! It keeps you so busy.

There was unexpected good news from the oncologist. I hadn’t stopped to imagine that my breast cancer tumour markers would continue to drop as they were already down to 25 at last count. The normal range is 0>30, and they where once at 51; that was a year ago when my scans showed breast cancer metastasis in seven places throughout my skeletal system. Now they are 19!

The latest CT scan showed ‘nothing’ apart from already seen and stabilised activity within the bones. The bone scan report showed no progression. My breast cancer tumor markers dropped even further. I was already back in the ‘normal’ range, now I must be in the super healthy person range for sure because I’m feeling amazing!
After the above mentioned results came in, I went for an ultrasound to examine areas on my chest wall, armpits and right breast where active breast cancer tumors were confirmed via biopsy last June. There was nothing there. Yes, all three confirmed tumors that originally led me to CT, PET and bone scans and the diagnosis of secondary cancer throughout my skeletal system, have now completely vanished. How exciting! Could the same be happening throughout my body. I am choosing to  believe it is.

Everyday I’m exercising vigorously to oxygenate my whole body for thirty minutes, followed by a 30 minute sauna and Qi Gong.  I’m taking many supplements to support the healing process

At least 10g of vitamin C in the form of Liposomal Vitamin C,

10g of Modified Citrus Pectin

2-3G of Curcumin Phytosome with Meriva,

3 tspns of Biohawk Relief Ginger Enzymes,

4 x Algae Cal Calcium plus D3 & K2 capsules,

1 x capsule 300mg Ubiquinol bioactive CoQ10,

1500 mg of flush free niacin and

1-2 teaspoon of super green powder

Eagle Brand Magnesium and Zince and B’s

plus variety of fresh probiotics.

I’m feeling full of energy all day and sleeping well.


High Dose Vitamin C

The internet has made it so easy to learn more about high dose vitamin C and how it can support our efforts with regaining our health, enhancing cancer treatments both conventional and non-conventional.

These are just a few of the wonderful YOUTUBE lectures and interviews I’ve enjoyed listening to. Click here to find a short list of some of my favorite high dose vitamin C talks and interviews.

I had 5 weeks of intravenous vitamin C. I had 30g and 60g infusions at my GP’s clinic in Coffs Harbour) . I had the IV Vitamin C therapy very shortly after targeted radiation therapy to a tumor on my vertebrae. I also began taking high dose liposomal vitamin C around the same time. I still take liposomal vitamin C in high doses each day. (10g minimum).

You can learn more here

AND I believe in the healing power of  high dose liposomal vitamin C so much I even created my own website to support others learning about just how wonderful it is:

My own journey with high dose vitamin C can be found on the above website.

I am so passionate about high quality, high dose vitamin C that I now have a small business making small batches of high quality liposomal vitamin C product for others here in Australia.

My Liposomal vitamin C is called “Life Energy C“.

It’s so easy to learn more about high dose vitamin C via these wonderful YOUTUBE lectures and interviews. Just go here to listen to some wonderful high dose vitamin C talks and interviews.