My first CTC test results are in!

Nov 2020 1st CTC Results: 10 ml of blood 3.3 CTC/ml incl 1 cluster. Specimen contained single CTC (n= 16), and one cluster of CTC-like cells with 17 nuclei (n=17), total CTC (n=33), suggesting some residual disease activity. The background shows mild to moderate numbers of immune cells and occasional fungal elements. The CTC count is consistent with a mild to moderate increased risk of tumour progression or relapse.

I am thinking this is not too bad. Still room for improvement (especially re. fungal elements) but really great news worth celebrating. I will continue to pause the Zoladex for now and keep up with immune system and anti-inflammatory focus while pulsing the pathways inhibitors.

March 2022 note: I did end up stopping the Zolodex all together – did not go back to it and have continued with Melatonin which is now 60mg a night and every now and then I will pause it for 5 days and then re-start. My tumor markers remain the lowest of all time and all labs are looking really good. White blood cells were terribly low for years but have come back up to the normal range in past few months. I am living a very active pain-free life, practicing Qi Gong and working as a mental health outreach support worker. Having bone scans once a year and next one due in early May 2022.

Bone healing:

Many women who read this blog have a similar diagnosis to me and write to ask me about what I take each day in regards to my bones mets . Here’s my bone healing list of supplements and studies. None are strictly ‘bone only’ and all have multiple anti-cancer targets.
In early 2023 for ease when updating I have moved my bone met healing research notes to the new parent site: My Healing Community.

You can now find my bone met healing research notes here.

Curcumin, the spice that is providing even more cancer healing advantages.

Even though I’ve been enjoying loads of curcumin every day for a year now I recently found this wonderful website, where I have been learning even moreĀ  about how amazing it is for healing and preventing breast cancer re-occurrence. I am inspired to share the link for many reasons, especially because all the information provided by is backed up by studies that they carefully reference throughout their articles.

I have totally loved learning that “Curcumin has been shown to be toxic to both estrogen sensitive and hormonally ‘non-sensitive’ types of breast cancer. This key turmeric compound can also inhibit the cancer-causing effects of estrogenic pesticides”.
Read more here:

This is great news as I know our world is flooded with invisible cancer causing estrogenic pesticides and my biopsies last year showed that my cancer when active, was covered in estrogen receptors.

I’ve been so diligent with both my fresh turmeric and curcumin supplement intake during the past year. A couple of days ago, my chest wall that was once covered with metastatic breast cancer is now clear. I’m not saying turmeric did all this healing alone, but I’m convinced that it certainly helped a great deal and encourage others to read the information on this website and check out the long list of studies on turmeric and cancer. , then of course pass this information on to your doctor and make an informed decision for yourself.

Curcumin in the liposomal form but in capsules

We eat as much fresh, dried and cooked turmeric as we do ginger (loads), but that hasn’t stopped me from supplementing with one of these highly bio-available curcumin supplements.

In early 2023 I did a deep dive into comparing the strength, price and bioavailability of the different liposomal curcumin supplements that I had been using over the past 5 years.
Read my blog post on comparing curcumin supplements here