My first CTC test results are in!

Nov 2020 1st CTC Results: 10 ml of blood 3.3 CTC/ml incl 1 cluster. Specimen contained single CTC (n= 16), and one cluster of CTC-like cells with 17 nuclei (n=17), total CTC (n=33), suggesting some residual disease activity. The background shows mild to moderate numbers of immune cells and occasional fungal elements. The CTC count is consistent with a mild to moderate increased risk of tumour progression or relapse.

I am thinking this is not too bad. Still room for improvement (especially re. fungal elements) but really great news worth celebrating. I will continue to pause the Zoladex for now and keep up with immune system and anti-inflammatory focus while pulsing the pathways inhibitors.

March 2022 note: I did end up stopping the Zolodex all together – did not go back to it and have continued with Melatonin which is now 60mg a night and every now and then I will pause it for 5 days and then re-start. My tumor markers remain the lowest of all time and all labs are looking really good. White blood cells were terribly low for years but have come back up to the normal range in past few months. I am living a very active pain-free life, practicing Qi Gong and working as a mental health outreach support worker. Having bone scans once a year and next one due in early May 2022.

Bone healing:

Many women who read this blog have a similar diagnosis to me and write to ask me about what I take each day in regards to my bones mets . Here’s my bone healing list of supplements and studies. None are strictly ‘bone only’ and all have multiple anti-cancer targets.
In early 2023 for ease when updating I have moved my bone met healing research notes to the new parent site: My Healing Community.

You can now find my bone met healing research notes here.

Update: PET/CT Results, Oct 2020 and My Story with Trish

Great news NO evidence of active disease on my latest PET. I’m into the 8th month now of my break from the Zoladex. My next test will be a circulating tumor cell (CTC) test. Still taking all my breast cancer pathway inhibitors each day. Spending more time away from the breast cancer research and never ending spreadsheets. I am enjoying spending time each day supporting others with their healing thoughts and emotions and looking after the now 10k member strong healing cancer study support group.

I’ve been taking many of the same things I was taking back in June. The dosages have got a bit smaller perhaps on some of the herbs and tincture and lately I have increased my Omega-3 and Olive Leaf Extract. Here’s a list of what I’ve taking the past few months (and the olive leaf extract, Vit B3 and a Methylated B mix is missing from the list-sorry):

I had a super long yarn with the very lovely Trish Waipouri about my breast cancer journey last week. Trish has been interviewing women with breast cancer as a part of breast cancer awareness month. It’s now up on YouTube. Sorry, it is such long conversation. If you are interested, perhaps bookmark it and listen to it over 3 nights of doing the dishes or something 🙂
I am looking forward to watching more of Trish’s interviews and Trish’s own story about her healing journey.

I played this back today and heard myself say that I was taking 2 x 500g liposomal curcumin capsules 3 times each day however that was not correct. I took 2 x 500mg 3 times a day yes, mg not grams!

C3 Liposomal Curcumin I have learn more about Curcumin and this is the very best we can get.

16 Months after secondary breast cancer diagnosis

It’s now Nov 1st 2018 and my oncologist told me last week that my breast cancer tumor markers have dropped even further. They are now 16. I’m feeling magnificent and I will be getting an MRI of my spine next month to see how my Lumbar region is looking.
I’m currently not taking as many supplements as I was previously. This is what I’m taking currently:

I’m adding plenty of organic turmeric & ginger powder to breakfast, all cups of tea &  to my dinner. I drink organic Chrysanthemum tea with Marshmallow root with some organic ginger and turmeric powder in that too.

I am still loving my breakfast bowl of soaked chia, with 1 tspn chlorella powder, whole lemon juice to taste, soaked organic goji berries, 1 tspn organic ginger powder  & 1 tspn organic rose-hip powder. Lunches are organic vegetable salads with sauerkraut, sometimes mackerel or chicken & avocado with lightly toasted pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Over the past couple of months I have enjoyed reading the book Radical Remission and the book, Molecules of Emotion. Both have provided me with the opportunity to reflect more deeply on how my emotional state and my sub-conscious state (the body’s intelligence systems of information and energy we call the mind) influence my healing of secondary breast cancer and my ability to maintain my good health going forward.

I now know how to muscle test (communicate with my sub-conscious mind about my body’s needs), and for the past 6 weeks I have used  The Emotion Code to release trapped emotions from my body. I’ve found the releasing of trapped emotional baggage to be incredibly powerful. Physical conditions which I thought were never going to go away just left – And emotions which I thought were outside of my direct influence, left like a switch was flicked – gone!. I am so impressed with the power of this work that I am now completing The Emotion Code practitioner training so I can support others to release their emotional baggage that is causing stress in their bodies, their life  and in their relationships with others. We all deserve to feel this good!

I’m aiming to have completed my training by the end of 2018. As a part of my training requirements, I’m looking for volunteers for free sessions with me (November/ December 2018). So, if you are in pain or have a nagging physical condition that you just can’t seem to get over, or blocks to the kind of relationships or life you desire, please get in touch. It is very likely that trapped emotions are getting in the way of your full recovery, your total well-being & your alignment with your highest good.  Please contact me if you are interested in booking a free 45min Release Session with me in 2018. These can be done both via video call and in person.

I’ll check back in, in late December to share my  MRI results with you.
x Abbey

Qi Gong

This incredible video explains how powerful Qi Gong and Tai Chi is.

I have spoken to many women who had a breast cancer diagnosis and most of them find that they are unable to sit still and meditate at the very time when it would be most beneficial to them and their healing. This is where guided movement meditation practices work a treat.


Underlying my capacity to access and utelise all the energy and information I need to heal my secondary breast cancer is a firm belief that

I am open to receiving
all the energy and information
I need to fully heal. 

  •  I did not begin this journey holding the belief that I could fully heal.
  • The moment I realised that the above belief wasn’t true for me, was a priceless moment.
  • In the moment I realised it wasn’t true for me, I became conscious of how very limited my beliefs about fully healing secondary breast actually were.
  • The first big step forward with my healing, was recognising and transforming any and all beliefs and habits of relating to myself that stood between me and my capacity to fully heal.

I found it helpful to listen and learn about the ‘biology of belief’.

Bruce Lipton

The Biology of Belief

I have understood, practiced and integrated the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza

You are the Placebo – Making your Mind Matter

Dr. Joe Dispenza has a website and many books, audio books and meditations.  I have enjoyed engaging with his knowledge and practicing with his resources and integrating his offerings into my own healing practices. “I listened to the Dr. Joe Dispenza audio book and meditations from ‘You are the Placebo’ whilst I was getting my high dose vitamin C infusion”.

There are many inspiring talks and interviews with and by Dr. Joe on YouTube too.

More reading matter for creating strong mind-body foundations

Australian authors and cancer conquerors, Ian Gawler and Petrea King have written some wonderful books too.

I have enjoyed, the ‘Mind that Changes Everything’ and ‘You Can Conquer Cancer’.

Movement Meditations

I love integrating  gentle and very powerful movement meditations into my life.
I live on the Mid North Coast of NSW and am so grateful to have  teachers running classes and private sessions in both ‘Medical Qi Gong’ and ‘The Form Reality Practice’.

I find that movement meditations such as ‘Qi Gong’ and ‘The Form’ to be so therapeutic and allow me a chance to deeply quite my mind and nourish my body, mind and spirit. Both these practices have also supported me greatly in the regular release of excess or draining emotions and or beliefs/thoughts.

If you’re like me, and would like to learn a practice that allows for more ease and accessibility to a more open and relaxed state of being ( yep, the one that is needed to fully heal), please feel free to get in contact with my teacher of  ‘The Form’, Lea.
She is currently offering one-on-one 45min video calls that allow you to experience an extremely gentle, yet incredibly powerful, meditative movement practice called ‘Cosmo Form’ with her for only a $50 donation (via Paypal) . This donation also includes a 15 min follow up video call to discuss how the practice is moving through your life.  Her name is Lea and contact page is within her website. is:

more to come…