Update Sept 2021 and 2023

My latest pathology report says my tumor markers dropped a further 3 points since my last blood draw in May. Now at an all time low of 11. I had the first AstraZeneca in late July and experienced a lot of anxiety as my lymph swelled and my ribs ached and my energy wained for 14 days. I chronically low white blood cells counts so I took loads of supports for the 3 weeks post Vaccine. The long list is here. I am now giving my kidney’s a rest and feeling super relieved!

MCS formulas are designed to be more bioavailable and often have the highest strength and purity of active compounds compared to other formulas.
Made with cancer patients needs in mind.

When you shop at MCS Foundation a small % of the order $ supports the hosting this WordPress website.

Simply use this MCS foundation affiliate link if/when shopping for your supplements.


Clarification regarding the recorded chat with Dr. Karlfeldt and some mind-body resources.

This week my chat with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt of The Karlfeldt Center was released. Dr. Karlfeldt has been chatting with people he meets in the cancer healing space and recording these chats for his podcast. His site is:


The Podcast he recorded with me.
You Don’t Have To Choose Chemotherapy with Abbey Mitchell

When I saw the title and had a listen I immediately felt uncomfortable and thought I would like to share some

Chemo and Radiation
I was fortunate that my highly ER+ breast cancer diagnosis and the time frame in which I found it and the other options that were offered to me meant that I didn’t have to choose chemotherapy. I totally understand and respect that each patient’s options and choices are unique to them and find the title of this podcast a bit disconcerting. Perhaps a better title would be “Are my choices made in fear?” 
I mentioned in the podcast that I was offered chemotherapy by my oncologist  in 2017 and my response to the offer for chemo was “thanks but not now as I’m pretty certain I’m NOT healthy enough this minute to warrant adding more damage to my body”. I wasn’t saying a final “no thanks” but a “not now”. As long as I’m blessed with knowing about other healing cancer options suitable for me that  cause no harm, especially  to my liver and my gut and immune system I will explore these first. At the very least I ‘now’ know (thanks to the integrative and naturopathic oncologists books I have read and articles I have since read) how to support my body through chemo in a way I had no knowledge of in 2014 or 2017.
I can still empathise with that terrified me that was determined to stop the cancer in my spine that was reported to have “destroyed the left pedicle of L5”. My catastrophizing mind was telling me that targeted radiation was a good strategy to avoid a life of suffering and immobility. I guess the small part of me that regrets the radiation is regretful because I acted from a place of fear to ‘burn and destroy the cells in my own body’.  Again I was fortunate to be given IV Vitamin C therapy for the 5 weeks following targeted radiation and then keep taking high dose Vitamin C daily in the form of high doses of my homemade Liposomal Vitamin C. I had no idea how incredibly sensible these two Vitamin C choices were at time and how blessed I was to have been gifted the IV therapy and inspiration and understanding of how to make my own Liposomal C. I am so grateful and seriously believe I’ve been Divinely guided and protected from day one. 

 The Effect of High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C During Radiotherapy on Breast Cancer Patients’ Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio

Conclusions: Elevated NLR, a measure of systemic inflammation, has been associated with higher mortality cancer patients, including breast cancer patients. In this observational study, NLR was significantly decreased during radiation therapy in patients administered high-dose vitamin C.

New file in the study support group regarding information about IV-C that I didn’t know then but very happy to know now.


Dr. Karlfeldt asked the question about my opinion on the best diet for breast cancer patients and I answered the Nasha Winter’s practitioner guided clean keto diet.

I don’t think there is a one size fits all when it comes to a diet for cancer but a keto diet that is clean and high in Omega 3 and super careful around keeping the Omega 6 fats low, is the diet I know I would do best on. I ate a lot of meat on my keto for cancer diet in 2017-2018 and as much as I am happy I did that keto for cancer diet then, I would do it with a lot less bacon the second time round.
Today I enjoy a balanced whole food diet and feel great. My energy is good and my head is clear. My gut is happy.  I think going onto a clean keto I would really miss the lentil dishes and the slow cooked porridge I’ve been enjoying lately. The porridge is whole berries of spelt, barley, oat and rye cooked in a pressure cooker with green apples and then organic mixed berries and finely ground nuts are added and it’s served with cinnamon and nutmeg and  banana. OMG –  I would miss that start to my day. And this complex carb high fibre breakfast now really agrees with me. I do have a coffee and take fish oil and some other supps at breaky too.  I have more energy all day than I  did pre-cancer diagnosis. Somewhere along the way on this healing journey I have healed my mitochondria and believe I am at 50  in some important ways an upgraded rather than a damaged version of the old me.

Mind over body

I mentioned a few strategies I engaged with to work with my mind and emotions. I will share links below, and add a few I did not mention that I think were valuable to me.
Dr.Joe Dispenza:  

Books I loved which have mediations to go with them: ‘You are the Placebo’ and ‘Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself’. I listened to Youtube presentations by Dr.Joe and took notes, journelled and listened to the audio versions of the books repeatedly. I transcribed his mediations and read them to myself and then listened to the meditations in my voice until I was fully aligned with this powerful theory of change.

Below is a short snippet of a video I recorded of myself in 2018 doing the intuitive healing movement meditation in which I am blessing my energy centres. I see it like a very physically engaged prayerful gratitude practice. My background sound is the morning birdsong at home in Valla, NSW Australia.

Meditations by Dr. Joe that supported me greatly were ‘Blessings of the Energy Centres’ (BEC) 1 & 2 ( now I see there is BEC 3 which I am keen to hear). There were a few other Dr. Joe mediations that inspired me but really the BEC 1& 2 were my standouts. I could not sit still and meditate after my diagnosis.  I could lay down but that didn’t seem like the way to bless my energy centres at that time so I got up off the floor and moved my body in a movement meditation as I listened to the BEC 2 played loud. I guess I can call what I was doing a movement meditation because this term was later introduced to me by my GP’s partner when they invited me to learn cosmoForm with them.

The Form:cosmoFORM realigns the nervous system with higher frequencies of our being. As we move only aligned with our heart, this realigns the whole body, everything that we are in your nervous system. The movement re-patterns our nervous system to bring in more of our real light of Pure Self.  When we move in cosmoFORM, particularly in the black, deeply given to the profound relaxation and centred within the radiance of our heart, we begin to realise we are moving in the formless but the formless is instantly formed as our body-mind right now.”                          
B Prior Foundation  https://www.bprior.org/the-form?locale=en

Chakra Dance
In the midst of my own intuitive movement meditation practices which were a mash up of Dr. Joe, Qi Gong I enrolled in a Chakra Dance online facilitator training. It was fantastic. It provided more support and a deeper understanding on how I could work with each of my energy centres in service of my healing. I witnessed some wonderful changes in my life that I attribute to the deeper understanding of myself and what change I wanted to see in my world. 

Qi Gong ( same as Chi Gong )
Besides a mindfulness meditation practice my other foundational wellbeing practice I have enjoyed since 2012 is Qi Gong. I am blessed to have a dear friend who is also my treasured medical Qi Gong teacher. I have just signed up to do a 9 month intensive training with her that will then allow me to share with other cancer patients some of the more simple yet deeply nourishing and transformational healing practices that she has taught me over the years. These ancient healing practices work on all 5 levels of healing; all the physical systems , the emotions, mental focus, the connection to spirit or healing energy and for me it’s a way to align with the Divine Intelligence behind all of life.  Knowledge of how to, and when to, apply these practices in relation to the challenges faced on the cancer journey is something I feel is important to  put my attention towards sharing. Meanwhile this is the original Youtube video I shared on Qi Gong : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJRtZAwVwgo

The Emotion Code
At the end of our chat I talk about the value I have seen in releasing trapped emotions. I used the Emotion Code book and audio book to guide me in learning how to do this. On reflection I believe that my success with self-administrating this healing technique was a lot about being in a state of trust and alignment with higher frequency healing feelings and this was possible thanks to the above mentioned mind-body practices. I know that there are some wonderful energy healing practitioners that work with the Emotion Code and they work face to face and can do distant healing via the phone and video calls. I was trained in this and was sharing this for about a year with other patients but have withdrawn this offering for the time being while I heal some complex grief of my own.
The Emotion Code Website: https://discoverhealing.com/the-emotion-code/

EMDR was another mind-body healing technique discussed briefly in our chat. I have not use dit but my GP uses it with his patients and he has told me about it. I think the results are similar to the results one gets using the emotion code. Here’s some more info on EMDR: https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/

During the chat with Dr. K we briefly discuss these resources too..

The Breast Cancer Pathways Worksheets:

The Healing Cancer Study Support Group

The Healing Cancer Study Support Group Member’s own website which has an A-Z directory of conversation threads and files ( page worth bookmarking.

The best ever breast cancer support group in the whole wide world:
Breast Cancer Integrative Healing {Integrative Tribe}

I’m sure there is more to share, there always is..
Blessings x

When you shop at MCS Foundation a small % of the order supports me to
pay for the hosting my own and the study support group’s websites.
Simply click on this MCS foundation affiliate link when shopping for your supplements.
And use the coupon code abbey5 at the checkout for 5% off your order.


Update June 2021

June 3rd 2021
I just got the good news that my tumor markers are at their all time lowest mark of 14 and there is nothing active on my PET or CT. The bone scan shows no definite changes. Onc is still calling me stable. I am not on any oncology drugs and stopped Zoladex 16 months ago now. I am still taking Melatonin each night. I am healthy and very happy to be celebrating my 50th year in this precious body this month. I’m busy getting things in place to celebrate my 50th birthday with a breathwork and sound bath gathering, finger food feast and sock disco. Yes, at 50 I believe we can really move easier on a dance floor in socks. It’s a day for playfully celebrating and consciously connecting to the energy within, around us and between us. What I eat and what I take each day is very different now to when I was starving the cancer. I will get back to the blog and write some more about the post-cancer choices I’m making post-birthday! x

My first CTC test results are in!

Nov 2020 1st CTC Results: 10 ml of blood 3.3 CTC/ml incl 1 cluster. Specimen contained single CTC (n= 16), and one cluster of CTC-like cells with 17 nuclei (n=17), total CTC (n=33), suggesting some residual disease activity. The background shows mild to moderate numbers of immune cells and occasional fungal elements. The CTC count is consistent with a mild to moderate increased risk of tumour progression or relapse.

I am thinking this is not too bad. Still room for improvement (especially re. fungal elements) but really great news worth celebrating. I will continue to pause the Zoladex for now and keep up with immune system and anti-inflammatory focus while pulsing the pathways inhibitors.

March 2022 note: I did end up stopping the Zolodex all together – did not go back to it and have continued with Melatonin which is now 60mg a night and every now and then I will pause it for 5 days and then re-start. My tumor markers remain the lowest of all time and all labs are looking really good. White blood cells were terribly low for years but have come back up to the normal range in past few months. I am living a very active pain-free life, practicing Qi Gong and working as a mental health outreach support worker. Having bone scans once a year and next one due in early May 2022.

Bone healing:

Many women who read this blog have a similar diagnosis to me and write to ask me about what I take each day in regards to my bones mets . Here’s my bone healing list of supplements and studies. None are strictly ‘bone only’ and all have multiple anti-cancer targets.
In early 2023 for ease when updating I have moved my bone met healing research notes to the new parent site: My Healing Community.

You can now find my bone met healing research notes here.

Update: PET/CT Results, Oct 2020 and My Story with Trish

Great news NO evidence of active disease on my latest PET. I’m into the 8th month now of my break from the Zoladex. My next test will be a circulating tumor cell (CTC) test. Still taking all my breast cancer pathway inhibitors each day. Spending more time away from the breast cancer research and never ending spreadsheets. I am enjoying spending time each day supporting others with their healing thoughts and emotions and looking after the now 10k member strong healing cancer study support group.

I’ve been taking many of the same things I was taking back in June. The dosages have got a bit smaller perhaps on some of the herbs and tincture and lately I have increased my Omega-3 and Olive Leaf Extract. Here’s a list of what I’ve taking the past few months (and the olive leaf extract, Vit B3 and a Methylated B mix is missing from the list-sorry): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pz2JmB7eT3Tm5H5TZ-a_R2tkLSRI0OLJ/view?usp=sharing

I had a super long yarn with the very lovely Trish Waipouri about my breast cancer journey last week. Trish has been interviewing women with breast cancer as a part of breast cancer awareness month. It’s now up on YouTube. Sorry, it is such long conversation. If you are interested, perhaps bookmark it and listen to it over 3 nights of doing the dishes or something 🙂
I am looking forward to watching more of Trish’s interviews and Trish’s own story about her healing journey.

I played this back today and heard myself say that I was taking 2 x 500g liposomal curcumin capsules 3 times each day however that was not correct. I took 2 x 500mg 3 times a day yes, mg not grams!

C3 Liposomal Curcumin I have learn more about Curcumin and this is the very best we can get.

Update June 2020

What’s been happening?

I chose to stop taking the Zolodex implant. I’ve come to believe that my highly ER+ receptor cancer cells that were in a dormant state for 18months due to their unchanged primary estrogen receptor status, are now active again.

I have not had conventional scans to prove they are active but instead I could clearly feel them become inflamed again like the were in early 2017, about 6 weeks after the last Zolodex implant, late February. I have been addressing this inflammation successfully and will continue to. Some of my upper body are very close to the skin and clearly doubled in size, but since then, inflammation has subsided due to the protocol I’ve been pulling together.

I believe that the 18 month-long largely Zolodex led dormancy state of the cancer cells made the little buggers not 100% reachable with my metabolic healing strategies. I’m giving myself until August 1st to do all I can minus the Zolodex. All things going really well; I get to live Zolodex-free and cancer-free.

I am now prepared enough to put what I know to work, to work, without the Zolodex.

I would put this decision down to wanting to engage my whole body in my healing, and see how this serves my overall vitality and health status going forward into old age. It makes most sense to me to use as few heavy handed pharmaceuticals as possible.

My oncologist was not happy about me stopping the Zolodex, however she said she will be happy for me to go back on it if my attempts to do this without Zolodex are not a success. I will have a PET, CT and Bone at the end of July to help me decide my next move.

What I’m now taking each day

So with all the bone met activity I’m feeling again (since stopping Zolodex 3 months ago) I’ve swung back into a stronger healing protocol which for the months of June/July 2020 includes
: hydrogen-rich alkaline water, artemisia annua emulsion, chlorella, lemon, walnuts, green apples, pomegranate extract, curcumin, brocolli sprout powder, loads of fresh sprouts, R-alpha lipoic acid, liposomal vitamin C, beta 1,3-Glucan, berberine, grape seed extract, parsley leaf powder, chamomile tea, green tea, danshen, ginger, milk thistle, burdock root, pau d’arco, honokiol, tocotrienols, iodine, magnesium, selenium, zinc, citrus bergamot, astragalus, cats claw, stinging nettle, boswellia, B complex, CoQ10, glucosamine sulfate, fish oil, mini aspirin, D3, K2, niacin, olive oil, nigella sativa, skullcap, hesperidin and melatonin. …( and maybe one of two I’ve missed even!!)

and why I’m taking all of these herbs?

Thanks to the support of my clever friend and stage 4 breast cancer thriver and study buddy extraordinaire Maria Wessling Bachteal I’ve been able to enter everything I’m taking in June/July 2020 into this multi page ER+ breast cancer spreadsheet : Abbey’s_June_July_2020

This spreadsheet is navigated via the tabs at the bottom of each page and is designed to help me see how my chosen supplemental herbs and foods (and aspirin) inhibit cancer’s key metabolic pathways, breast cancer growth factors, fast cell division and how they effects my immune system.
The why I’m taking these things spreadsheet link:

Maria supports us all so much with her dedication to organizing the breast cancer research and readers in the USA can support Maria by purchasing your supplements at a discount (USA only) through her Fullscript Dispensary. Email Maria at scsupplements101@gmail.com

Sadly, I am also reducing my 1:1 support hours drastically

I’ve enjoyed directing so much heart-led energy and precious time into supporting others the past year, and now with so much bone met activity returning it is time to walk the talk and return the focus to my own health again as I did so well in 2017-19. Maintaining a NEAD minus the Zolodex means breaking new ground for me and I know deep down this requires much more time and energy then has I’ve been giving myself the past months. I have put on hold gifting any new 1:1 support calls for the months of June, July & August. I have not removed the booking app button but it takes you to a schedule with no available times for the moment.
My goal is to have my 1:1 support calls return, as they hold so much purpose value and meaning for me, but for now I need to pull back and fully support myself in regaining some healthy balance between my Zolodex-less bone met healing goals, the support group that is nearly 8k members strong... oh, my Liposomal Vitamin C making service, and of my precious and nowadays emotionally and mentally draining family situation in which my MIL has advancing Dementia and lives with us.

How do manage to take so many things?

I have been buying dried herbal powders and creating drinks/teas which I enjoy and reduce the capsule load. At least 9 of my healing herbs are taken as a drink.

My Daily Healing Tea Pot is looking strange but actually tastes good.

2 tspn German Chamomile flowers
2 tspn Danshen root
2 tpn Burdock root powder
2 tspn Cats Claw bark

2 tspn Pau d’arco bark
1 tspn Ginger root powder
½ tspn Licorice root
1000ml (1L) boiling water

Why these herbs in my pot?

German Chamomile Flowers &
Apigenin suppresses the senescence-associated secretory phenotype and paracrine effects on breast cancer cells
Danshen root:
Danshen Improves Survival of Patients With Breast Cancer and Dihydroisotanshinone I Induces Ferroptosis and Apoptosis of Breast Cancer Cells. – PubMed – NCBI
Burdock root powder
Arctigenin Inhibits the Activation of the mTOR Pathway, Resulting in Autophagic Cell Death and Decreased ER Expression in ER-positive Human Breast Cancer Cells
Cats Claw bark

Life Extension explore it’s powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects as well as the support it offers towards DNA repair, joint health, immune function, and normal cell division
Pau d’arco bark
Growth Inhibition of Estrogen Receptor Positive Human Breast Cancer Cells by Taheebo From the Inner Bark of Tabebuia Avellandae Tree
Ginger root powder
I have been a ginger tea fan forever and find it supports the digestive system while inhibiting cancer.
6‐Shogaol, an active constituent of ginger, inhibits breast cancer cell invasion by reducing matrix metalloproteinase‐9 expression via blockade of nuclear factor‐κB activation
Licorice root

Glabridin, an isoflavan from licorice root, inhibits migration, invasion and angiogenesis of MDA‐MB‐231 human breast adenocarcinoma cells by inhibiting focal adhesion kinase/Rho signaling pathway

Tea Directions:

Place all ingredients in a pot.
Pour boiling water over and place on stove.

Bring to simmer and with watchful eye leave on gentle rolling simmer for 5 min. It may need lifting off the element to control overheating.

Remove from heat and allow to cool down to a nice easy warm temperature.

Use tea strainer when serving. Reheat a little and consume over the course of the day.

Great to swallow my cancer pathways inhibiting supplements with.

My tea even tastes great with my broccoli sprout and parsley powder mixed through it.

When it’s time to sit down to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner I grab a large, 2 metric cup size glass and into this I place the above tea heated to 70 degrees Celsius and add a heaped teaspoon
broccoli sprout powder and a teaspoon of parsley leaf powder.

tastes way better then it looks!!!

Parsley is like German Chamomile in that it contains Apigenin. It is sweet tasting.
The Therapeutic Potential of Apigenin https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6472148/
Broccoli Sprout Powder
Provides me with sulforaphane.
Targets and mechanisms of sulforaphane derivatives obtained from cruciferous plants with special focus on breast cancer – contradictory effects and future perspectives

Targeting STAT3 signalling using stabilised sulforaphane (SFX-01) inhibits endocrine resistant stem-like cells in ER-positive breast cancer

I am crazy about the Super Sprout (Australian) brand of sulforaphane rich broccoli sprout powder.
I encourage you to give it a go and find out how good it tastes. The company’s done their research and invested in leading edge technology to create the very best broccoli sprout powder. I am surprised at how I can add it to almost anything I eat and it tastes good.
The Super Sprout manager has kindly given me the green light to share my
15% discount code with readers and study support group members after super-fresh high sulforaphane sprout powder either in Australia or the USA
15% discount code: AbbeyM15 can be applied to purchases both in the
Australia store or the USA Amazon store

Chi Gong
During practice we focus our mind in a relaxed way. We get our lymph system moving. We strengthen our bones, we circulate life force energy, balance our emotions, stretch our fascia and intentionally bring blood and oxygen to our organs, our muscles and our nerves so they can function at their best. My daily Chi Gong practice is so important to my life and my healing journey. Since social distancing came into place my teacher began offering online classes and courses for a worldwide audience. Learn more about Chi Gong, and what’s now on offer at my teacher’s site: https://www.thechifield.com.au/


Artemisia Annua
Each morning before Qi Gong I am take two dessert spoons of emulsified artemisia annua; one at around 3am and one around 6am. I will take every day for the next two weeks and then break for one week and then re-start. I will place my super simple emulsified artemisia annua recipe below and suggest anyone keen to learn more about how to use artemisia annua against cancer cells please join my friend Curt’s Facebook group; Curt Michael – Artemisinin, Cancer and Health Protocols
He’s dedicated to sharing support for people exploring the healing benefits of Artemisia Annua.

Some inspiring reading on this amazing herb:

Artemisia Annua, Artemisinin & 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine – A Cancer Fighting Plant – Blog: Cancer Treatments – from Research to Application

Artemisinin (Artemesia annua, “Sweet Annie”) and Breast Cancer

Artemisia annua extract prevents ovariectomy-induced bone loss by blocking receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand-induced differentiation of osteoclasts

Abbey’s Recipe
Emulsified Artemesia Annua


50g Artemesia Annua, ground leaf

250g Sunflower lecithin powder

750ml Pure water


Measure 750ml of pure water into a pot.

Place the 50g of ground Artemesia Annua leaf into the water and place pot on stove.

Bring to simmer and with watchful eye leave on rolling simmer for 90 seconds only. It may need lifting off the element to control overheating.

Remove from heat and stir gently for 5 minutes with a clean stainless steel stirring device

Allow to cool for 10 more minutes while you prepare the Sunflower lecithin powder (SFLP)

I always start by fine sieving the SFLP into a bowl to remove the lumps, dry rocks and any stray tiny ‘stay-dry’ pillows that are often placed in the product’s packaging.

Place blender jug on scales and re-set scales to zero. Spoon 250g of sieved SFLP into blender jug

and pour in the now semi-cooled tea over the SFLP using a  fine mesh strainer*.

 *Removes muck in the emulsion -but perhaps you want it?

Blend until 43-45 degree C (equiv. 93-94 F).

 How long this takes to reach temp. depends on your blender. You will need a thermometer and be watching closely.

I like to pour (while hot and moving freely) into a sterilized glass jar with tight lid seal that I can stand in a cool place in the kitchen or in fridge.

Food is so important

I’ll finish with some photos of the delicious wholefood that I’ve been lucky enough to be enjoying recently thanks to my super creative and sprout-farming-crazy husband Neil.

Okay, enough sitting here, time to move and eat!

Update April 2020


When I think of alive cancer cells, I think of cells that are metabolically active.
And then I think well that’s what a PET scan attempts to tell us. This is why I paid out of pocket last year to get my PET scan. I wanted to know if my metastatic breast cancer was metabolically active after 9 months of DIY concentrated metabolic pathway inhibition.

My very conventional oncologist doesn’t seem to give much weight to cancer being seen as active or inactive and refused to write me a referral for a PET scan. She said that PET’s are not accurate enough as far as seeing small stuff. You are stable, and that’s great she said. I went online and found an oncologist who was happy to refer me for a PET scan. ‘Stable” was not the term I had worked hard for. I’m looking for a NED and I would be happy to hear that I was NEAD given that bones do take time to return to normal healthy scar free images on the bone scans. Stable, I’ve been stable for ages.

I had a copy of the PET results sent to my conventional oncologist so she could celebrate with me (not). I guess if she was in my shoes and actually knew how much work and how much time and money I had invested in starving the stem cells she would have been more likely to get behind a PET and be celebrating with me when it came back with a NEAD report. No evidence of active disease. No, she wasn’t impressed one bit but the report did give me an opportunity to argue with her about the language we were going to use going forward. Since the 2 reports. (I had 2, one report done in QLD and in one NSW. My original PET ordered by my QLD surgeon win 2017 was done in QLD and the 2nd in 2019 was done in NSW). I won the argument. No more referring to my condition as stable, She agreed to join me and the report writers in calling it NEAD. She said it made no difference to her. I said it meant everything to me. I tried to explain that stable sounded like I had cancer that was not progressing. NEAD sounds like I have no living cancer cells.

I combined the PET report with her bone scan and CT report and yes there is scar tissue built up on some of my bones, but there are also areas which have cleared and are no longer noted. The cancer had not only caused these build ups but it had taken away bone..these bits I thought of as my Swiss cheese. These have healed. No more Swiss cheese and instead I have new healthy bone.
Coming up to nearly 3 years since my stage 4 diagnosis I can happily say..I am way beyond stable;
I am healing. I have healed wide spread bone mets ..and my body is amazing and I will keep doing everything I can to support it to stay this way.

I no longer inhibit all the pathways at once to starve cancer these days as I once did. I believe it is no longer there; nothing to be starved. Instead I live very healthy and I focus on caring for my immune system and overall energy and health, incl my hormones ( all new learning curve!!) and mental health. I recently stopped my monthly Zolodex implant that the onc put me on mid 2017. Will tell her I stopped it at next appt. And I no longer take Dipyridamole (DPM). I rarely take the Herpes drug medication I used alongside DPM to get things back on track . I am using herbs and supps instead and have no outbreaks. I am having a pause from Quercetin too just now too and think this is working for me.

I’m still very happy taking/eating daily or cycling: green tea, licorice root and fennel, chamomile, chrysanthemum, ashwaganda, burdock chlorella, chia, green apple, ginger powder, lime or lemon juice, Vit D3, K2, Liposomal Vit C, R-ALA, Curcumin Phytosome with Meriva, Zinc, Magensium, Selenium, Boron, Iodine, Beta Glucan, NAC, Niacin, Mixed B’s, (extra B12 B6 only 2 x week) , Broc Sprout Powder, Grape Seed Extract, High dose Melatonin, Cats Claw, Astragalus, EPA/DHA, Tocopherols, Olive Oil, Eating so well, mostly plant based with more pulses. Chicken in very small portions 1-2 x week and a little red meat every 3-ish weeks . Black seed oil ( but not too much) Hydrogen water, skullcap. Loads of greens and olives and sauerkraut and sprouts. Infrared Sauna 3 x week, Emotional releasing work, 1-2 dog walks a day, Medical Chi Gong movement practice with healing mediation 1 hr each morning.

I continue to find and devour inspiring resources that keep me anchored in the power of the focused mind over the state of the body. Right now I am feeling super happy to have found the book Mind to Matter by Dawson Church. Will post some more about this resource in the group’s thread dedicated to psychological resources for healing cancer.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156770660276662&set=g.240927233489567&type=1&theater&ifg=1

Cancer’s Metabolic Pathways; that I have inhibited.


Updated 19/08/19

My Glutamine Pathway Inhibitors

Goserlin: Zolodex implant each month from oncologist inhibits IGF-1

Berberine: 500mg, 2 x daily, total daily= 1000mg

Loratadine: 10mg daily

Hydroxy Chloroquine: taking approx. 1 week of every 6

Dipyridamole: 200mg slow release Persantin 3 x daily (7am, 2pm, 9pm) daily total = 600mg

EGCG in Green Tea: 2-3 cups each day decaf and 1 x 725mg decaf capsule at dinner.

Curcumin phytosome with meriva: 500mg x 2, 3 x daily = 1500mg with meals

Ursolic Acid in Tulsi Tea with meal to wash down curcumin capsules.

Japanese Knotweed aka Hu Zang root powder from which Resveratrol comes Total taken with evening meal, 1 tsp stirred into in the tulsi tea.

My Glucose Pathway Inhibitors

Quercetin: 600mg 3 x daily total = 1800mg

Curcumin Phytosome with Meriva: as mentioned previously.

Liposomal Vit C: currently enjoying 5g (about 30ml) x 2-3 x daily and I have 4 drops of Zinc chelate I water as a chaser.

Melatonin: currently taking 180mg at 7pm ( 3 x 60mg pure melatonin capsules from online supplier Perfect Vitamin- I worked my way up gradually using products on herb)

My Fatty Acid Pathway Inhibitors

Berberine: as mentioned previously.

Garcinia Cambogia 500mg 3 x daily for Hydroxycitrate Acid which I have with R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 400mg https://sci-hub.tw/10.1038/s41598-019-39109-1

Aspirin 100mg each day , and I will take up to 3 x 300mg daily for a few days.

Citrus Bergamot: 500mg x 3 times daily with meals.

Dipyridamole: as mentioned previously.

Tocotrienols: Unique E brand…tocopherol-free 240mg once daily at breakfast

Oils: Avoiding rancid oils adding extra good olive oil, + omega 3, 6 and 7

Abnormal Cell Signalling regulators that I currently take:

for Sonic Hedgehog signalling I take

Sonic Hedgehog signalling is abnormal in many cancers including breast cancer:

The role of the Hedgehog signaling pathway in cancer: A comprehensive review. – PubMed – NCBI

Mebendazole as a Hedgehog Inhibitor.

Berberine, a natural compound, suppresses Hedgehog signaling pathway activity and cancer growth

Metformin also exerts anticancer effects through the inhibition of the Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway in breast cancer and I am not currently taking Metformin

for regulation of WNT signalling, which induces bone metastases in breast cancer, I take

Aspirin: as mentioned previously.
Dipyridamole: as mentioned previously.
Vitamin D3: 5000IU at breakfast taken with 90mcg Vit-K2
Tocotrienols: Delta fraction 250mg with breakfast as previously mentioned

WNT signaling enhances breast cancer cell motility and blockade of the WNT pathway by sFRP1 suppresses MDA-MB-231 xenograft growth

A Second WNT for Old Drugs: Drug Repositioning against WNT-Dependent Cancers

for regulating Notch signalling I take

Sulforaphane: 250mg 2 x daily with meal and most of these 2 meals contain lightly cooked broccoli and cauliflower cooked

Quercetin: as mentioned previously.

The Notch Pathway in Breast Cancer Progression

Sulforaphane: Notch Activation Is Dispensable for D, L-Sulforaphane-Mediated Inhibition of Human Prostate Cancer Cell Migration

Quercetin: Notch Inhibitors for Cancer Treatment

for Toll Like Receptors (TLR’s) I take

TLR’s-3, 4 & 9

Berberine: as mentioned previously.

Hydroxy Chloroquine: 200mg daily for 1 week every 4-6 weeks. 
I timed this so that I took the Mebendazole at the same time, last time.

Study of TLR3, TLR4 and TLR9 in breast carcinomas and their association with metastasis | BMC Cancer | Full Text

TLR4 Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis via Akt/GSK3β/β-Catenin Pathway upon LPS Stimulation. – PubMed – NCBI

Berberine Modulates Gut Microbiota and Reduces Insulin Resistance via the TLR4 Signaling Pathway. – PubMed – NCBI

Hydroxychloroquine efficiently suppresses inflammatory responses of human class-switched memory B cells via Toll-like receptor 9 inhibition. – PubMed – NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29981383

Indentification of breast cancer subtypes sensitive to HCQ-induced autophagy inhibition. – PubMed – NCBI

Recent progress in the development of Toll-like receptor (TLR) antagonists: Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents: Vol 26, No 6

for Integrins which contribute to the progression of breast cancer I take

Dipyridamole: as mentioned previously

Increased β1 Integrin Is Associated with Decreased Survival in Invasive Breast Cancer | Cancer Research

Reversion of the Malignant Phenotype of Human Breast Cells in Three-Dimensional Culture and In Vivo by Integrin Blocking Antibodies | JCB

Dipyridamole enhances an anti‐proliferative effect of interferon in various types of human tumor cells – Suzuki – 1992 – International Journal of Cancer – Wiley Online Library

Inhibition of Metastases by Anticoagulants | JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute | Oxford Academic

for inhibiting Estrogen I take

Hormone therapies incl. Goserlin which is my monthly Zolodex implant from my oncologist.

Aspirin: as mentioned previously.

Melatonin: as mentioned previously.

Tocopherols: 400IU at lunch each day.

Melatonin is an appropriate candidate for breast cancer treatment: Based on known molecular mechanisms – Amin – 2019 – Journal of Cellular Biochemistry – Wiley Online Library

Frontiers | Co-administering Melatonin with an Estradiol-Progesterone Menopausal Hormone Therapy Represses Mammary Cancer Development in a Mouse Model of HER2-positive Breast Cancer | Oncology

Mixed tocopherols prevent mammary tumorigenesis by inhibiting estrogen action and activating PPAR-γ

Postmenopausal women who regularly use aspirin and other analgesics (known as painkillers) have lower estrogen levels, which could contribute to a decreased risk of breast or ovarian cancer.https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100323133043.htm

for Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) I am already taking the following

Milk Thistle: as mentioned previously.
Berberine: as mentioned previously
: green tea as mentioned previously
Curcumin: as mentioned previously

Milk Thistle: Silibinin Suppresses EGFR Ligand-induced CD44 Expression through Inhibition of EGFR Activity in Breast Cancer Cells

for Interleukins which are linked to progression in breast cancer I am already taking

Aspirin: as mentioned previously

for PPAR I am taking

which doesn’t contribute to early stages of Breast Cancer but does contribute to fatty acid oxidation used by cancer in later stages to spread to other organs.

Citrus Bergamot: as mentioned previously

as mentioned previously

In daily diet of chia seeds, walnuts, mackerel, and the cod liver oil mentioned below.

Vit -A:
600mg quality refridgerated Cod Liver oil with lunch.

as mentioned previously.

Omega -7
: 450mg Sea Buckthorn Oil with lunch daily.

Ginger Powder: 1 teaspoon in tea with each meal

And there’s more:

My Healthy Gut and Happy Liver


Pro-biotic: weekly
Sauerkraut: tablespoon each day with meal
Raw cacao powder: tablespoon in my breakfast each day.


Milk Thistle: as mentioned previously.
Sunflower Lecithin Liposomal Vitamin C each day as mentioned previously.
Food: Fresh Lemon Juice, Green Apple and Spirulina with Chia with Ginger Powder for my first breakfast.

Ant-viral medication

Valaciclovir or Valtrex: Was on 500mg x 1 with lunch, then moved down to 200mg a day..Now on 200mg or 500mg a lot less often.

A herpes anti-viral drug prescribed by GP.
Study shows specific type of herpes could cause breast cancer


Matrix Metallo-Proteinase Inhibitors I take

Dipyridamole: as mentioned previously.

Mebendazole: 200mg for 3 days first week of each month or occasionally

Glucosamine Sulphate: 750mg each x 2 with lunch daily

Dipyridamole decreases inflammatory metalloproteinase-9 expression and release by human monocytes. – PubMed – NCBI

Mebendazole as a Candidate for Drug Repurposing in Oncology: An Extensive Review of Current Literature. – PubMed – NCBI

Glucosamine sulfate suppresses the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-3 in osteosarcoma cells in vitro


Delta-Fraction Tocotrienals: 125mg x 2 with breakfast, total 500mg daily

DeltaGOLDtm being 90% delta-trocotrienals and 10% gamma tocotrienals from Vitamin E. Brand: Life Extension
Yes another good supplement for the Mevolonate Pathway and the tocotrienols many other anticancer actions.
The Mevolonate pathway is important to me given my breast cancer metastases to my bones and currently take the Citrus Bergamot 3 x daily for the Mevolonate path too.

Vitamin B Complex

1 x Vitamin B Complete Sustained Release: 1 tablet with breakfast
Contains: B1 100mg,B2 80mg, B2 100mg, B5 120mg,B6 75mg,Folic Acid 400mcg, B12 100mcg, Choline bitartrate 50mg, Inositol 50mg, Biotin 50mcg, Ascorbic Acid 200mg

To learn more about my private online healing cancer study support group and resources website. Please visit my healing community’s home base and resources page: www.myhealingcommunity.com

Facebook study support group.

The group name: Healing Cancer Study Support Group.

Learn more about the group here: http://www.myhealingcommunity.com/healing-cancer-study-support-facebook-group/

When you shop at MCS Foundation a small % of the order $ supports the hosting this WordPress website.
Simply click on this MCS foundation affiliate link when shopping for your supplements.


Happy Monday 13th May


Incredibly Good News:

My secondary Breast Cancer (mets to bones) diagnosis from May 2017 looks like it’s continuing to reverse itself. I appear to be on the right track to meet my outrageous goal of getting a no evidence of disease (NED) report this year. I had a bone scan last week; my first one in 5 months and the results are a great read. I especially love re-reading this line from the report:
The previously identified lesions elsewhere on the bone scan performed 6/12/18 are no longer visualized.”

So this means:
In about 4 of the 7 places, where there was some broad areas of what conventional oncologist’s call stage 4 ‘incurable’ disease, the cancer is NO LONGER DETECTED.
OMG – How wonderful is that!
I’m still swimming in the good feeling feelings of…

1) relief; Even though I believe in everything I am doing, I was a little concerned given that I’m taking very leading- edge and not always conventional approach to my healing.

2) acknowledgment; this report somehow acknowledges all my valuable time and energy devoted to this task of researching how to starve my cancer.

3) inspiration; I am feeling energized and focused on the NED goal ahead of me. I have just three areas of disease still visualized on the latest bone scan; I started with 7 bones lesions + 3 breast area/lymph node tumors 2 years ago.

If you or someone you know could use some support in learning how they could turn their cancer diagnosis around like I have these are my top 3 resource suggestions:

My top 3 healing cancer resource suggestions:

My own now 2200+ member strong How to Starve Cancer… Study Support Group:

The electronic version of the book “How to Starve Cancer…” by Jane McLelland:

To learn more about the private online healing cancer study support group that I created to help me understand all of this very sensible non-sense please visit: www.myhealingcommunity.com

To book an hour long support call with me visit: