Updated 19/08/19
My Glutamine Pathway Inhibitors
Goserlin: Zolodex implant each month from oncologist inhibits IGF-1
Berberine: 500mg, 2 x daily, total daily= 1000mg
Loratadine: 10mg daily
Hydroxy Chloroquine: taking approx. 1 week of every 6
Dipyridamole: 200mg slow release Persantin 3 x daily (7am, 2pm, 9pm) daily total = 600mg
EGCG in Green Tea: 2-3 cups each day decaf and 1 x 725mg decaf capsule at dinner.
Curcumin phytosome with meriva: 500mg x 2, 3 x daily = 1500mg with meals
Ursolic Acid in Tulsi Tea with meal to wash down curcumin capsules.
Japanese Knotweed aka Hu Zang root powder from which Resveratrol comes Total taken with evening meal, 1 tsp stirred into in the tulsi tea.
My Glucose Pathway Inhibitors
Quercetin: 600mg 3 x daily total = 1800mg
Curcumin Phytosome with Meriva: as mentioned previously.
Liposomal Vit C: currently enjoying 5g (about 30ml) x 2-3 x daily and I have 4 drops of Zinc chelate I water as a chaser.
Melatonin: currently taking 180mg at 7pm ( 3 x 60mg pure melatonin capsules from online supplier Perfect Vitamin- I worked my way up gradually using products on herb)
My Fatty Acid Pathway Inhibitors
Berberine: as mentioned previously.
Garcinia Cambogia 500mg 3 x daily for Hydroxycitrate Acid which I have with R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 400mg https://sci-hub.tw/10.1038/s41598-019-39109-1
Aspirin 100mg each day , and I will take up to 3 x 300mg daily for a few days.
Citrus Bergamot: 500mg x 3 times daily with meals.
Dipyridamole: as mentioned previously.
Tocotrienols: Unique E brand…tocopherol-free 240mg once daily at breakfast
Oils: Avoiding rancid oils adding extra good olive oil, + omega 3, 6 and 7
Abnormal Cell Signalling regulators that I currently take:
for Sonic Hedgehog signalling I take
Sonic Hedgehog signalling is abnormal in many cancers including breast cancer:
The role of the Hedgehog signaling pathway in cancer: A comprehensive review. – PubMed – NCBI
Mebendazole as a Hedgehog Inhibitor.
Berberine, a natural compound, suppresses Hedgehog signaling pathway activity and cancer growth
Metformin also exerts anticancer effects through the inhibition of the Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway in breast cancer and I am not currently taking Metformin
for regulation of WNT signalling, which induces bone metastases in breast cancer, I take
Aspirin: as mentioned previously.
Dipyridamole: as mentioned previously.
Vitamin D3: 5000IU at breakfast taken with 90mcg Vit-K2
Tocotrienols: Delta fraction 250mg with breakfast as previously mentioned
WNT signaling enhances breast cancer cell motility and blockade of the WNT pathway by sFRP1 suppresses MDA-MB-231 xenograft growth
A Second WNT for Old Drugs: Drug Repositioning against WNT-Dependent Cancers
for regulating Notch signalling I take
Sulforaphane: 250mg 2 x daily with meal and most of these 2 meals contain lightly cooked broccoli and cauliflower cooked
Quercetin: as mentioned previously.
The Notch Pathway in Breast Cancer Progression
Sulforaphane: Notch Activation Is Dispensable for D, L-Sulforaphane-Mediated Inhibition of Human Prostate Cancer Cell Migration
Quercetin: Notch Inhibitors for Cancer Treatment
for Toll Like Receptors (TLR’s) I take
TLR’s-3, 4 & 9
Berberine: as mentioned previously.
Hydroxy Chloroquine: 200mg daily for 1 week every 4-6 weeks.
I timed this so that I took the Mebendazole at the same time, last time.
Study of TLR3, TLR4 and TLR9 in breast carcinomas and their association with metastasis | BMC Cancer | Full Text
TLR4 Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis via Akt/GSK3β/β-Catenin Pathway upon LPS Stimulation. – PubMed – NCBI
Berberine Modulates Gut Microbiota and Reduces Insulin Resistance via the TLR4 Signaling Pathway. – PubMed – NCBI
Hydroxychloroquine efficiently suppresses inflammatory responses of human class-switched memory B cells via Toll-like receptor 9 inhibition. – PubMed – NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29981383
Indentification of breast cancer subtypes sensitive to HCQ-induced autophagy inhibition. – PubMed – NCBI
Recent progress in the development of Toll-like receptor (TLR) antagonists: Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents: Vol 26, No 6
for Integrins which contribute to the progression of breast cancer I take
Dipyridamole: as mentioned previously
Increased β1 Integrin Is Associated with Decreased Survival in Invasive Breast Cancer | Cancer Research
Reversion of the Malignant Phenotype of Human Breast Cells in Three-Dimensional Culture and In Vivo by Integrin Blocking Antibodies | JCB
Dipyridamole enhances an anti‐proliferative effect of interferon in various types of human tumor cells – Suzuki – 1992 – International Journal of Cancer – Wiley Online Library
Inhibition of Metastases by Anticoagulants | JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute | Oxford Academic
for inhibiting Estrogen I take
Hormone therapies incl. Goserlin which is my monthly Zolodex implant from my oncologist.
Aspirin: as mentioned previously.
Melatonin: as mentioned previously.
Tocopherols: 400IU at lunch each day.
Melatonin is an appropriate candidate for breast cancer treatment: Based on known molecular mechanisms – Amin – 2019 – Journal of Cellular Biochemistry – Wiley Online Library
Frontiers | Co-administering Melatonin with an Estradiol-Progesterone Menopausal Hormone Therapy Represses Mammary Cancer Development in a Mouse Model of HER2-positive Breast Cancer | Oncology
Mixed tocopherols prevent mammary tumorigenesis by inhibiting estrogen action and activating PPAR-γ
Postmenopausal women who regularly use aspirin and other analgesics (known as painkillers) have lower estrogen levels, which could contribute to a decreased risk of breast or ovarian cancer.https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100323133043.htm
for Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) I am already taking the following
Milk Thistle: as mentioned previously.
Berberine: as mentioned previously
EGCG: green tea as mentioned previously
Curcumin: as mentioned previously
Milk Thistle: Silibinin Suppresses EGFR Ligand-induced CD44 Expression through Inhibition of EGFR Activity in Breast Cancer Cells
for Interleukins which are linked to progression in breast cancer I am already taking
Aspirin: as mentioned previously
for PPAR I am taking
which doesn’t contribute to early stages of Breast Cancer but does contribute to fatty acid oxidation used by cancer in later stages to spread to other organs.
Citrus Bergamot: as mentioned previously
Berberine: as mentioned previously
Omega-3: In daily diet of chia seeds, walnuts, mackerel, and the cod liver oil mentioned below.
Vit -A: 600mg quality refridgerated Cod Liver oil with lunch.
Vit-D3: as mentioned previously.
Omega -7: 450mg Sea Buckthorn Oil with lunch daily.
Ginger Powder: 1 teaspoon in tea with each meal
And there’s more:
My Healthy Gut and Happy Liver
Pro-biotic: weekly
Sauerkraut: tablespoon each day with meal
Raw cacao powder: tablespoon in my breakfast each day.
Milk Thistle: as mentioned previously.
Sunflower Lecithin Liposomal Vitamin C each day as mentioned previously.
Food: Fresh Lemon Juice, Green Apple and Spirulina with Chia with Ginger Powder for my first breakfast.
Ant-viral medication
Valaciclovir or Valtrex: Was on 500mg x 1 with lunch, then moved down to 200mg a day..Now on 200mg or 500mg a lot less often.
A herpes anti-viral drug prescribed by GP.
Study shows specific type of herpes could cause breast cancer
Matrix Metallo-Proteinase Inhibitors I take
Dipyridamole: as mentioned previously.
Mebendazole: 200mg for 3 days first week of each month or occasionally
Glucosamine Sulphate: 750mg each x 2 with lunch daily
Dipyridamole decreases inflammatory metalloproteinase-9 expression and release by human monocytes. – PubMed – NCBI
Mebendazole as a Candidate for Drug Repurposing in Oncology: An Extensive Review of Current Literature. – PubMed – NCBI
Glucosamine sulfate suppresses the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-3 in osteosarcoma cells in vitro
Delta-Fraction Tocotrienals: 125mg x 2 with breakfast, total 500mg daily
DeltaGOLDtm being 90% delta-trocotrienals and 10% gamma tocotrienals from Vitamin E. Brand: Life Extension
Yes another good supplement for the Mevolonate Pathway and the tocotrienols many other anticancer actions.
The Mevolonate pathway is important to me given my breast cancer metastases to my bones and currently take the Citrus Bergamot 3 x daily for the Mevolonate path too.
Vitamin B Complex
1 x Vitamin B Complete Sustained Release: 1 tablet with breakfast
Contains: B1 100mg,B2 80mg, B2 100mg, B5 120mg,B6 75mg,Folic Acid 400mcg, B12 100mcg, Choline bitartrate 50mg, Inositol 50mg, Biotin 50mcg, Ascorbic Acid 200mg
To learn more about my private online healing cancer study support group and resources website. Please visit my healing community’s home base and resources page: www.myhealingcommunity.com