
I meant to say mg not gram when referring to how much curcumin I was taking in this interview.

This blog was started August 17th 2018

Hi I’m Abbey and I have been actively healing secondary breast cancer to the bones since June 2017. After barely a year since the diagnosis, I am looking and feeling better than I have in my entire life.

In August 2018, I got an ultrasound  that proved that the cancerous lesions on my chest wall and breast tissue have now gone away; yes, the ultrasound confirmed that there is no sign of them at all. I knew this to be the truth myself as I could feel them dissolving slowly just three months into my healing journey.

Because I now value my own state of well-being so highly, and have come so far in such a short time, I’m often asked to share what’s working best for me.

I have created this simple website as a way of supporting my current ‘need for ease’, as I’ve found, that I’m repeatedly sharing the same information, with different people each week.

This site will be where I post information that has helped me during my secondary breast cancer healing journey so readers can learn more and or have ideas to discuss with their doctor or oncologist.

I will begin by listing all the key resources, supplements and therapies that I believe have helped me most. Over time I will continue to update the information about each of these resources, supplements or therapies but for now I will just get the basic information down so you have something to get you started.

Spoiler alert:
As of Feb 25th 2023 I have just had  blood and ct/bone and am still seeing my CA15.3 markers in the normal range and there is no evidence of active disease.

These latest reports noted evidence of inflammation in a couple of places and I’m aware that I’ve been a bit too relaxed with my diet and movement and had some stress that is now gone (thankfully). I had COVID late December and a long time ear/throat infection that I’ve just healed (I hope so- it’s been a tough one to shake post-COVID).  The 

Research data shows that a sense of community and support can radically change our immunity, our happiness, and our cancer outcomes. Radiant Healing Together the new international online breast cancer support community is going to make a huge difference to the lives of breast cancer patients everywhere. Offering support in all aspects healing and learning with both a LIVE weekly schedule and ON DEMAND library for replays. Using the super easy Circle platform (and iPhone and Android Apps). Learn more about the Radiant Healing Together Community platform here.