A whole day’s meds and supps: Current as of June 23rd 2019
1 x capsule Milk Thistle
available online at i-herb.com
There appears to be many studies on Pubmed suggesting that silymarin from Milk Thistle may exert a strong anticarcinogenic effect against many types of cancer, including breast cancer. It also and anti-oxidant and protects the liver and kidneys.
Anticarcinogenic effect of a flavonoid antioxidant, silymarin, in human breast cancer cells MDA-MB 468: induction of G1 arrest through an increase in Cip1/p21 concomitant with a decrease in kinase activity of cyclin-dependent kinases and associated cycli… | Clinical Cancer Research
Silibinin Suppresses EGFR Ligand-induced CD44 Expression through Inhibition of EGFR Activity in Breast Cancer Cells
1 x Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol) 400IU (before dinner )
available online at i-herb.com
I weigh 54kg so from what I can understand that means 1 a day is plenty to do the job. Someone heavier might take more each day.
Brand: A. C Grace Company ‘Unique E’ online from iherb.com
This page summarises the findings on tocopherols being a potent aromatase inhibitor.
The mechanisms of anti-cancer activity of tocopherols 1) inhibition of ER (2) increasing peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ) expression and activity, (3) induction of Nrf2, (4) antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities, and (5) induction of apoptosis.
Mixed tocopherols prevent mammary tumorigenesis by inhibiting estrogen action and activating PPAR-γ
3 x Quercetin 600mg (1 with eah meal )
available online at i-herb.com
Metabolic Pathway inhibitor: Glucose/Glut 1 and Fatty Acid (FAS)
Quercetin induces apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer cells via inhibiting fatty acid synthase and β-catenin
2 x Berberine 500mg (with breakfast & w lunch)
available online at i-herb.com
Multi Metabolic Pathway inhibitor:
SREBP-1 Acetate
and supresses hedgehog signalling
Berberine, a natural compound, suppresses Hedgehog signaling pathway activity and cancer growth
Berberine induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells through mitochondrial-dependent pathway
A growing body of reports supports the evidence that berberine has anticancer effects, being able to block the proliferation of and to kill cancer cells
A neo-adjuvant endocrine trial showed a significant association between the increase of SREBP1 expression and lack of clinical response, providing further support for a role of SREBP1 in the acquisition of endocrine resistance in breast cancer.
2 x Citrus Bergamot 500mg (1 x lunch 1 x dinner)
being Citrus Bergamia extract 500mg.
Brand: Jarrow Formulas available online at i-herb.com
Metabolic Pathway inhibitor: Fatty Acid/Mevolonate
Bergamot natural products eradicate cancer stem cells (CSCs) by targeting mevalonate, Rho-GDI-signalling and mitochondrial metabolism
2 x Garcinia Cambogia (for Hydroxycitrate) 500mg ( 1 x bfast 1 x lunch)
being a cut- in-half tablet of Garcinia Cambogia extract 1000mg. So I’m getting 250mg Hydroxycitric Acid (HYDROXY on the McLelland map) ad the rest is fruit of Garcinia Cambogia.
Brand: Jarrow Formulas available online at i-herb.com
Metabolic Pathway inhibitor: Fatty Acid/ACLY
ACLY is a cross-link between glucose metabolism and fatty acid synthesis/mevalonate pathways controlled by SREBP-1. Potently inhibited by hydroxycitrate.
ATP Citrate Lyase Inhibitors as Novel Cancer Therapeutic Agents Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, 7, 154-167
6 x Curcumin 500mg (2 at beginning of each main meal)
being Curcumin Phytosome with Meriva 500mg
I swallow with Tulsi tea for Ursolic Acid
Brand: Jarrow Formulas available online at i-herb.com
I swallow my curcumin capsules with Tulsi tea in which I’ve dissolved my Hu Zang for the ursolic acid / resv / curc combo effect.
Metabolic Pathway inhibitor: Glutamine/Glutaminolysis
Combinatorial treatment with natural compounds in prostate cancer inhibits prostate tumor growth and leads to key modulations of cancer cell metabolism
Unraveling the Anticancer Effect of Curcumin and Resveratrol
Ursolic Acid (1- 2 cups at beginning & end of lunc and dinner)
being in Tulsi Tea (aka Holy Basil Tea) available online at i-herb.com
I swallow my Curcumin capsules (see above) with 150ml of the strong Tulsi tea
Brand: I buy organic loose tea leaves in bulk online and drink with each meal. I will mix my other herbs and ginger in it too.
Metabolic Pathway inhibitor: Glutamine/Glutaminolysis
see above study for Curcumin combo
Ursolic acid, a potential anticancer compound for breast cancer therapy. – PubMed – NCBI
ECOTEAS Organic Tulsi | Tulsi Benefits
EGCG Green Tea 150ml x 3 cups throughout the day.
Brand: I buy organic green tea teabags online at i-herb.com
Jane’s book says:
“EGCG reduces angiogenesis and inhibitors of glutamate dehydrogenase (GHD), a precursor of glutamine (an amino acid), the other key nutrient cancer uses with glucose to fuel its growth. (so…it’s in my map under Glutamine/Glutaminolysis)”
Mclelland, Jane. How to Starve Cancer …without starving yourself: The Discovery of a Metabolic Cocktail That Could Transform the Lives of Millions . Conscious Dreams Publishing. Kindle Edition.
More on this..
And 10 health benefits of green tea supported by studies:
1 x EGCG capsule 98% Polyphenols (1 with dinner)
With dinner : De-caf Mega Green tea Extract 45% EGCG
Brand: Life Extension available online at i-herb.com
Metabolic Pathway inhibitor: Glutamine/Glutaminolysis
I stoped Nicotinamide for inhibiting fatty acid oxidation after learning that liver damage is a concern and the TruNiagen is a better supplement for those looking to block fatty acid oxidation.
Valaciclovir 500mg x 1 with lunch
A herpes anti-viral drug prescribed by GP after I realized ( reading the book) that the cancer and virus could be closely linked.
Study shows specific type of herpes could cause breast cancer
2 x Dipyridamole 200mg (7am, 9pm)
being 200mg (sustained release)
Brand: Persantin available by prescription- and I was able to obtain due to it’s proven anti-viral action and my bloods showing herpes virus.
Metabolic Pathway inhibitors: Glutamine/Nucleoside Salvage and the Fatty Acid/ SREBP-2
Dipyridamole starves cancer of the nucleotides and other proteins and enhances the effects of my anti-viral medication.
Selective potentiation of lometrexol growth inhibition by dipyridamole through cell-specific inhibition of hypoxanthine salvage
Dipyridamole decreases platelet-derived growth factor levels in human serum.
2 x Glucosamine Sulphate 750mg each (with lunch)
A matrix metallo-proteinase inhibitor available online at i-herb.com.
Glucosamine sulfate suppresses the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-3 in osteosarcoma cells in vitro
5g x Polygonum Cuspidatum Powder Extract in tulsi tea with dinner.
Not a completely safe option for homrone driven cancers:
Not a completely safe option for homrone driven cancers:
A better coice to look into for inhibiting PP pathway is D-Mannose
being whole of Japanese Knotweed AKA Chinese herb Hu Zang powder 500mg dissolved in water and drunk. Metabolic Pathway inhibitors: Pentose Phosphate (P P Pathway) and likely more too. *Warning: not a safe supplement for “everyone” with breast cancer.. until you read this and your doctor agrees that it is not going to cause you harm in regards to estrogen do NOT take it:
Walking a Tightrope: A Perspective of Resveratrol Effects on Brea…: Ingenta Connect
A new inhibitor of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase blocks pentose phosphate pathway and suppresses malignant proliferation and metastasis in vivo | Cell Death & Disease
Polydatin, Natural Precursor of Resveratrol, Promotes Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cellshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6036093/
1 x mini Aspirin 100mg ( just before bed)
being one tablet in water.
Metabolic Pathway inhibitors: Fatty Acids/ FAS
“Aspirin and dipyridamole, both antiplatelet drugs, synergistically serve to break down the platelet clumps and expose the abnormal macrophages to the rest of the immune system”
“The ‘acetyl’ part of aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid) binds to the amino acid serine”
Mclelland, Jane. How to Starve Cancer …without starving yourself: The Discovery of a Metabolic Cocktail That Could Transform the Lives of Millions . Conscious Dreams Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Mechanism of the irreversible inhibition of human cyclooxygenase-1 by aspirin as predicted by QM/MM calculations.
Ray Peat, PhD on Aspirin – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)
1 x Omega-7 450mg (w lunch)
being Sea Buckthorn Oil available online at i-herb.com.
while I’m taking focusing on lowering cholesterol levels this is good oil.
Lots of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in breaky bowl & splashed on every meal
Modulation of inflammation and immunity by dietary conjugated linoleic acid
1 x Vitamin D3 5000iu with K2 (with b’fast)
being Colecalciferol and available online at i-herb.com.
A phase 2 trial exploring the effects of high‐dose (10,000 IU/day) vitamin D3 in breast cancer patients with bone metastases
more for Vit D3
2 x Delta-Fraction Tocotrienals 125mg each (both with breakfast)
Brand: Life Extension available online at i-herb.com.
Tocotrienols and Cancer: From the State of the Art to Promising Novel Patents.
More about why I take the delta fraction tocotrienals with the Garcinia
1 x Loratadine (mid morning)
being 1 tiny 10mg tablet about 2 hrs after lunch
metabolic pathway: Glutamine/Macropinocytosis
Available over the counter at my local pharmacy
4-5 drops of zinc chelate whenever I have my liposomal vitamin c
1 x Vitamin B Complete Sustained Release (1 tablet with breakfast)
B complex available online at i-herb.com.
B1 100mg,B2 80mg, B2 100mg, B5 120mg,B6 75mg,Folic Acid 400mcg, B12 100mcg, Choline bitartrate 50mg, Inositol 50mg, Biotin 50mcg, Ascorbic Acid 200mg
being potassium iodine available online at i-herb.com.
Ginger Powder min 5g doses (all day with everything).
being organic ginger powder from online herb spice supplier
and available online at i-herb.com.
I mix at least this amount (usually more) into my breakfast bowls and all teas and make sure it sits beside me at all meals.
Gingerol inhibits metastasis of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells
Gingerol induces apoptosis and inhibits metastatic dissemination of triple negative breast cancer in vivo
A minimum of 6g of Ascorbic Acid from 35ml Liposomal Vitamin C
(around 4pm and again after dinner or even more often during the day if there are sick people about..e.g like this time of year in Australia)
Australian made pure liposomal Vitamin C without alcohol or soy. I not only take this but I have been making it to order for others living in Australia since 2017. www.highdosevitaminc.com.au
LipoNaturals make another very good Liposomal Vitain C that is free from nasties and it is available online at i-herb.com.
1/2 teaspoon x Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) mixed in evening tulsi tea.
being Ashwagandha powder from online herb supplier austral herbs, mixed into my herbal tea one time each day. Ashwgandha is aloso available online at i-herb.com.
1 x Magnesium Chelate (after dinner)
available online at i-herb.com.
120 -180mg of ( super high dose pure) Melatonin about an hour or so before bed.
I worked my way up to this high dose at 10mg at a time usng the now foods 10mg from iherb only after working my way up to 10mg with the smaller dose capsules.
My 60mg pure Melatonin capsules are bought online from perfect vitamin however I wish to start buying the powder form pure bulk and making my own capsules to save money.
Melatonin–estrogen interactions in breast cancer
Anti-aromatase effect of resveratrol and melatonin on hormonal positive breast cancer cells co-cultured with breast adipose fibroblasts. – PubMed – NCBI
Watch this great presentation by Dr. Frank Shallenberger, the president of the American Ozone Therapy Association. Learn how pure Melatonin is being used in high doses with stage 4 cancer patients alongside inulin potentiated chemo therpay and ozone therapy here.
Zolodex Implant 1 x monthly
I am also in a state of chemically induced menopause from a GnRH Analogue called Goserlin
brand name:
Zolodex (3.6mg implant)
Prescribed by my oncologist and given to me by my GP’s nurse once a month. This drug inhibits my ovaries from creating hormones.
To save you time, I have placed many or all the items listed above that are available online at iherb.com in an iherb.com shopping basket. You can change the currency from my currency to yours at the top of the iherb page and you can then delete items you already own and have at home from this complete basket. This is the link to the view of the shopping basket : iherb basket
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