
Update June 2021

June 3rd 2021
I just got the good news that my tumor markers are at their all time lowest mark of 14 and there is nothing active on my PET or CT. The bone scan shows no definite changes. Onc is still calling me stable. I am not on any oncology drugs and stopped Zoladex 16 months ago now. I am still taking Melatonin each night. I am healthy and very happy to be celebrating my 50th year in this precious body this month. I’m busy getting things in place to celebrate my 50th birthday with a breathwork and sound bath gathering, finger food feast and sock disco. Yes, at 50 I believe we can really move easier on a dance floor in socks. It’s a day for playfully celebrating and consciously connecting to the energy within, around us and between us. What I eat and what I take each day is very different now to when I was starving the cancer. I will get back to the blog and write some more about the post-cancer choices I’m making post-birthday! x