This week my chat with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt of The Karlfeldt Center was released. Dr. Karlfeldt has been chatting with people he meets in the cancer healing space and recording these chats for his podcast. His site is:
The Podcast he recorded with me.
You Don’t Have To Choose Chemotherapy with Abbey Mitchell

When I saw the title and had a listen I immediately felt uncomfortable and thought I would like to share some
Chemo and Radiation
I was fortunate that my highly ER+ breast cancer diagnosis and the time frame in which I found it and the other options that were offered to me meant that I didn’t have to choose chemotherapy. I totally understand and respect that each patient’s options and choices are unique to them and find the title of this podcast a bit disconcerting. Perhaps a better title would be “Are my choices made in fear?”
I mentioned in the podcast that I was offered chemotherapy by my oncologist in 2017 and my response to the offer for chemo was “thanks but not now as I’m pretty certain I’m NOT healthy enough this minute to warrant adding more damage to my body”. I wasn’t saying a final “no thanks” but a “not now”. As long as I’m blessed with knowing about other healing cancer options suitable for me that cause no harm, especially to my liver and my gut and immune system I will explore these first. At the very least I ‘now’ know (thanks to the integrative and naturopathic oncologists books I have read and articles I have since read) how to support my body through chemo in a way I had no knowledge of in 2014 or 2017.
I can still empathise with that terrified me that was determined to stop the cancer in my spine that was reported to have “destroyed the left pedicle of L5”. My catastrophizing mind was telling me that targeted radiation was a good strategy to avoid a life of suffering and immobility. I guess the small part of me that regrets the radiation is regretful because I acted from a place of fear to ‘burn and destroy the cells in my own body’. Again I was fortunate to be given IV Vitamin C therapy for the 5 weeks following targeted radiation and then keep taking high dose Vitamin C daily in the form of high doses of my homemade Liposomal Vitamin C. I had no idea how incredibly sensible these two Vitamin C choices were at time and how blessed I was to have been gifted the IV therapy and inspiration and understanding of how to make my own Liposomal C. I am so grateful and seriously believe I’ve been Divinely guided and protected from day one.
Conclusions: Elevated NLR, a measure of systemic inflammation, has been associated with higher mortality cancer patients, including breast cancer patients. In this observational study, NLR was significantly decreased during radiation therapy in patients administered high-dose vitamin C.
New file in the study support group regarding information about IV-C that I didn’t know then but very happy to know now.
Dr. Karlfeldt asked the question about my opinion on the best diet for breast cancer patients and I answered the Nasha Winter’s practitioner guided clean keto diet.
I don’t think there is a one size fits all when it comes to a diet for cancer but a keto diet that is clean and high in Omega 3 and super careful around keeping the Omega 6 fats low, is the diet I know I would do best on. I ate a lot of meat on my keto for cancer diet in 2017-2018 and as much as I am happy I did that keto for cancer diet then, I would do it with a lot less bacon the second time round.
Today I enjoy a balanced whole food diet and feel great. My energy is good and my head is clear. My gut is happy. I think going onto a clean keto I would really miss the lentil dishes and the slow cooked porridge I’ve been enjoying lately. The porridge is whole berries of spelt, barley, oat and rye cooked in a pressure cooker with green apples and then organic mixed berries and finely ground nuts are added and it’s served with cinnamon and nutmeg and banana. OMG – I would miss that start to my day. And this complex carb high fibre breakfast now really agrees with me. I do have a coffee and take fish oil and some other supps at breaky too. I have more energy all day than I did pre-cancer diagnosis. Somewhere along the way on this healing journey I have healed my mitochondria and believe I am at 50 in some important ways an upgraded rather than a damaged version of the old me.
Mind over body
I mentioned a few strategies I engaged with to work with my mind and emotions. I will share links below, and add a few I did not mention that I think were valuable to me.
Dr.Joe Dispenza:
Books I loved which have mediations to go with them: ‘You are the Placebo’ and ‘Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself’. I listened to Youtube presentations by Dr.Joe and took notes, journelled and listened to the audio versions of the books repeatedly. I transcribed his mediations and read them to myself and then listened to the meditations in my voice until I was fully aligned with this powerful theory of change.
Below is a short snippet of a video I recorded of myself in 2018 doing the intuitive healing movement meditation in which I am blessing my energy centres. I see it like a very physically engaged prayerful gratitude practice. My background sound is the morning birdsong at home in Valla, NSW Australia.
Meditations by Dr. Joe that supported me greatly were ‘Blessings of the Energy Centres’ (BEC) 1 & 2 ( now I see there is BEC 3 which I am keen to hear). There were a few other Dr. Joe mediations that inspired me but really the BEC 1& 2 were my standouts. I could not sit still and meditate after my diagnosis. I could lay down but that didn’t seem like the way to bless my energy centres at that time so I got up off the floor and moved my body in a movement meditation as I listened to the BEC 2 played loud. I guess I can call what I was doing a movement meditation because this term was later introduced to me by my GP’s partner when they invited me to learn cosmoForm with them.
The Form:“cosmoFORM realigns the nervous system with higher frequencies of our being. As we move only aligned with our heart, this realigns the whole body, everything that we are in your nervous system. The movement re-patterns our nervous system to bring in more of our real light of Pure Self. When we move in cosmoFORM, particularly in the black, deeply given to the profound relaxation and centred within the radiance of our heart, we begin to realise we are moving in the formless but the formless is instantly formed as our body-mind right now.”
B Prior Foundation
Chakra Dance
In the midst of my own intuitive movement meditation practices which were a mash up of Dr. Joe, Qi Gong I enrolled in a Chakra Dance online facilitator training. It was fantastic. It provided more support and a deeper understanding on how I could work with each of my energy centres in service of my healing. I witnessed some wonderful changes in my life that I attribute to the deeper understanding of myself and what change I wanted to see in my world.
Qi Gong ( same as Chi Gong )
Besides a mindfulness meditation practice my other foundational wellbeing practice I have enjoyed since 2012 is Qi Gong. I am blessed to have a dear friend who is also my treasured medical Qi Gong teacher. I have just signed up to do a 9 month intensive training with her that will then allow me to share with other cancer patients some of the more simple yet deeply nourishing and transformational healing practices that she has taught me over the years. These ancient healing practices work on all 5 levels of healing; all the physical systems , the emotions, mental focus, the connection to spirit or healing energy and for me it’s a way to align with the Divine Intelligence behind all of life. Knowledge of how to, and when to, apply these practices in relation to the challenges faced on the cancer journey is something I feel is important to put my attention towards sharing. Meanwhile this is the original Youtube video I shared on Qi Gong :
The Emotion Code
At the end of our chat I talk about the value I have seen in releasing trapped emotions. I used the Emotion Code book and audio book to guide me in learning how to do this. On reflection I believe that my success with self-administrating this healing technique was a lot about being in a state of trust and alignment with higher frequency healing feelings and this was possible thanks to the above mentioned mind-body practices. I know that there are some wonderful energy healing practitioners that work with the Emotion Code and they work face to face and can do distant healing via the phone and video calls. I was trained in this and was sharing this for about a year with other patients but have withdrawn this offering for the time being while I heal some complex grief of my own.
The Emotion Code Website:
EMDR was another mind-body healing technique discussed briefly in our chat. I have not use dit but my GP uses it with his patients and he has told me about it. I think the results are similar to the results one gets using the emotion code. Here’s some more info on EMDR:
During the chat with Dr. K we briefly discuss these resources too..
The Breast Cancer Pathways Worksheets:
The Healing Cancer Study Support Group
The Healing Cancer Study Support Group Member’s own website which has an A-Z directory of conversation threads and files ( page worth bookmarking.
The best ever breast cancer support group in the whole wide world:
Breast Cancer Integrative Healing {Integrative Tribe}
I’m sure there is more to share, there always is..
Blessings x
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