Breast Cancer Pathways Free Worksheet and Helpful Online Communities.

I believe I am still doing well. I am feeling great. Bone scan and markers happening next month so when I have results I will share. Meanwhile this worksheet project and a couple of these groups have been something I have contributed to over the past few years and I wanted to make sure these resources are here for anyone with breast cancer now reading this.

The Breast Cancer Pathways worksheet project began in early 2019 as a collaboration between myself and, Maria Wessling Bachteal. With help from members of our Facebook group, we have dedicated countless hours searching for and organizing breast-cancer-specific laboratory and clinical research that is accessible in the public domain.

It is basically a systematic framework for breast cancer survivors and their clinicians to help organize their current protocol of off-label drugs and supplements based on a summary of available evidence.

The worksheet is meant to be informational and is meant to enhance, not replace, standard-of-care (SOC) and or integrative oncology protocols.

1 minute video preview of the Breast Cancer Pathways Worksheet page titled: Manipulate Signalling.
This 1 minute (silent) video demonstrates how to navigate the worksheet on a desktop using the app’s navigation tools.
Navigating on a Mobile Device is different: You will notice that the worksheet navigation tabs at the very bottom of your screen will hide once you scroll down the page. Scroll up the page and the navigation menu tabs will re-appear. When all navigation tabs and menus vanish click on the little ‘tick’ symbol that appears at the very top left corner of the screen to move out of edit mode and back into into navigation mode.

Follow the steps to successfully download your free copy of the Breast Cancer Pathways Worksheet

See here for links to cancer healing focused communities –

Breast Cancer Pathways facebook group

Please support the development of the worksheet project by sharing your own research finds in the Breast Cancer Pathways study group with hashtags/post topics that match the worksheet segments/pages.

HER2+ Breast Cancer – Integrative Protocols facebook group with Maria
is not a typical HER2+ support group, but a HER2+ INFORMATION SHARE group. “We have a base understanding of integrative cancer care from many helpful books and online resources—and understand the role we can play in steering our own HER2+ cancer navigation ship”. In order to join this private HER2+ group you will need to send Maria a friend request and a private message telling her that you or your loved one has a HER2+ breast cancer diagnosis.

Study Support– All cancers learning community
The Healing Cancer Study Support Group. My baby.
The A-Z list of conversation threads and files found in the healing cancer study support group unpacks many of the same supplements and repurposed drugs we have researched for the breast cancer research project worksheets.

Healing Cancer Study Support Group

The healing cancer study support group‘s A-Z directory is helpful in that it takes existing group members directly to a thread of information on the same topic within the Facebook group. Existing conversation threads are the best place to read and ask your questions regarding the worksheet.

Join and participate in these online communities to learn all you can. Please be sure to search the group for keywords that could answer your questions. Take your time and take notes before posting your questions. Many questions have already been asked and answered to some degree. Start with a search before a new post.

Healing and learning supported within a on-line breast cancer community via the Circle platform

Learn more about the Radiant Healing Together online community here:

When you shop at MCS Foundation a small % of the order supports the hosting of both this WordPress website and My Healing Community website.

MCS aim to deliver the very best on purity, strength and fair price. MCS often focus on single compounds and do the best to remove excipients, maximise active ingredients in a capsule, and increase bioavailability. MCS courier worldwide and donate 50% of their profits to projects designed to accelerate the transfer of value from traditional medicine and/or academic space to clinical space, and enable new treatments for cancer patients. The remaining 50% will help MCS Formulas to be healthy, grow, and be able to contribute more.
Simply click this MCS foundation affiliate link when searching for your supplements.

Follow the steps to successfully download your free copy of the breast cancer pathways free worksheet HERE

Facebook study support group.

The group name: Healing Cancer Study Support Group.

Learn more about the group here:

When you shop at MCS Foundation a small % of the order $ supports the hosting this WordPress website.
Simply click on this MCS foundation affiliate link when shopping for your supplements.


Feb 2019: Navigating The Book

Feb 2019
Celebrating: learning, integration & vitality

I feel as if I’m now fully embarking on a new leg of my cancer healing journey. I am currently still diagnosed with ‘stable’ stage 4 breast cancer ( which spread to bones in 2017).

I believe that living with cancer stem cells in my bones, even in a state of stability or non-progression, is NOT the future that I want for myself, or anyone else. We can do better!

“The ultimate life hack” is the how one of my friends with breast cancer describes the book by Jane McLelland that explains how to target cancer stem cells with affordable re-purposed medications and herbs.

Book Title: How to Starve cancer without Starving Yourself by Jane McLelland

There is a mountain of valuable information in the book that I have had to extract and personalize in order to present it to the people who are supporting me, such as my doctors, my friends and my family. I also imagine that many other people who are currently taking this approach or about to take on this approach might be interested in reading these notes too.

If this is your journey as much as it is mine, I encourage you to follow this blog and keep up to date with my progress and any changes I make along the way…and buy the book.

Once you have the book please join my private Facebook “Healing Cancer Study Support Group” . The group will help you to join in conversations with others who are figuring all this out alongside me. You can invite your friends to the group too via the ‘invite’ window on the group’s page. Update

p.s..This  approach is actually designed for everyone with cancer. We are all in this together…breast, lung, name it. There will be something helpful for everyone with cancer in Jane’s  book.

So this is What I’m Doing…in February 2019

Using the book.

Step 1) 

Buy the electronic version of the book. Read the book thoroughly.
Make, a strictly personal-use only, copy of the McLelland Metro Map.
I had the electronic version of the book open on my i-pad and took a screen-shot of the screen. This screen-shot gets automatically saved as an image in my ‘all photos’ photo album on my i-pad.

NOTE: The McLelland Metro Map is only available (for personal use) to people who purchase the book:

How to Starve-Cancer without Starving Yourself by Jane McLelland.
I encourage everyone reading this page to please purchase the book, if you have not done so already. Trust me, if you have cancer, you don’t want to try and simply copy what someone else has done, without reading the book for yourself.

Here’s the Amazon Australia link to the electronic version I purchased to read on my Kindle App that I have on my i-pad and desktop:

Step 2)
I opened the i-pad’s photo application and found the photograph of the map where I had saved it in my private photo album and then used a pen tool in the photo ‘edit’ program to ‘edit’ the screen shot image I took of the map.

Editing it involved choosing a pen tool from the tool pallet and running a green colored line under the names of drugs/medications/herbs I was able to access. And yes, of course, I could have also made a copy of the map on to paper and underlined it in pen, but for personal reasons chose to do this step on my screen.

More on purchasing the book;
I highly recommend anyone interested in killing cancer stem cells buy the electronic version of the book, as it the ongoing researching, is ‘super’ easy compared to using a paperback copy.
e.g when reading an electronic version of the book you can right click on any word and choose to “Search Google” for more info, or right click and choose to “search book”…wow..You can then read everything Jane wrote on that drug or topic. It saves a lot of time when you are piecing together the puzzle. You can also quickly highlight large areas and they are automatically saved to your Kindle or e-reader notes.

So this simple 2 step process above is where I started engaging with the metabolic pathways and what I could do to block them.

1) read book, copy map (for personal use only)
2) underline medications accessible to me in green.


The medications accessible to me in Australia without prescription were the first to be underlined.

These were.
BERB being Berberine
being the diet I was/am already on
being Green Tea
being Tulsi tea
being Curcumin
being Garcinia
RES being Resveratrol

Many people who I have engaged with, in the “How to Starve Cancer…” Facebook groups are taking this same, new and advanced metabolic approach to starving and killing caner stem cells, but with the help of an international oncology clinic.

Many of my fellow Facebook “How to Starve Cancer…” private group members from all over the world, are on, and/or at least considering ‘going to go on’ the Care Oncology Clinic (COC) complimentary off-label medicine protocol. The COC  is based in the U.K and U.S.A and consult with patients and thier GP’s from all over the world via Skype.

As I understand it, the COC doctors will communicate with their patient’s local GP (or at least a GP in the patient’s country, about getting on board and supporting the patient with a simple yet powerful complimentary approach to their current treatment.

The COC doctors provide the patient’s GP or oncologist with the understanding and confidence required to prescribe the complimentary off-label, FDA approved medications shown below.

(MET) Metformin
(STAT) Atorvastatin
(DOXY) Doxycycline

I believe that Care Oncology Clinic (COC) are currently (as of Jan, 2019) conducting self-funded research into this 4 drug metabolic approach to killing cancer stem cells ( all types of cancer) and are only prescribing these 4 complimentary medications (listed above) to each and every patient. I’m not doing this protocol. I may in the future.

Out of interest, I created a second personal copy of the McLelland Metro Map onto which I underlined in green just the COC prescribed medications. I compared the two maps.

I noticed right away that COC prescribed Mebendazole (MBZ) and it is not on the McLelland Metro map and so I did some more research. I discovered that it would be useful to anyone with any type of cancer, and that I could but it from the local chemist. I added it to my shopping list right away. ( I took fro 6 weeks and then stopped taking it, not because of any side effects, but thought I’d keep things simple and this one up my sleeve in case of progression)

When comparing the two maps, I did observe that the COC protocol was blocking many metro Map pathways with just a few medications. My first map showing the non-COC approach meant buying a larger quantity of meds/herbs and still there were gaps.

My personal leaning was towards the more natural herbal supps map I made first. I decided I would try to fill the map with the most natural over the counter medicines first and attempt to incorporate the COC drugs selectively if I ever needed to. That’s just who I am.

I connected with some of the people who were signed up to the COC protocol via my participation in the “How to Starve Cancer…” Facebook groups and soon discovered that many of them were taking a cocktail of cancer stem cell (CSC) metabolic pathway blockers including herbs and supplements ‘on top of’ the four main COC medications.

This led me to begin asking myself;
  “How many Metro Map  pathways do I need to block?” 

After giving this question some consideration I came to the conclusion that I would attempt to block them all and see how this felt.

This decision to BLOCK THEM ALL was based on the following:

My stage 2 diagnosis was made 5 years ago and after a mastectomy, and spell of ignorance my stage 4 diagnosis was made mid 2017 (almost 2 years ago). At this point in time I have no knowledge as to which metabolic pathways, if any, are currently up-regulated and/or which are likely to be up-regulated next. My breast cancer was last reported (Dec , 2018) to be stable, in my bones, (nowhere else) and I’m not willing to, or perhaps even able to, biopsy these bone lesions to obtain further information regarding their preferred energy sources etc..

I am sure I will in time, but for now I have no idea exactly what metabolic pathways my cancer stem cells prefer right now. So after reading the book I learnt that stage 4’s are really better off to be covering all of the pathways at once to reduce the risk of pushing the cancer to a more aggressive state. I will do that; Block them all ( or as many as I can)

The ER+ & PR+ ER- hormone receptor status of my breast cancer was reported via breast tissue biopsy when I was first diagnosed stage 2 in 2014.  I had a really crap alternative GP back in 2014. It’s almost impossible to believe now, but this really crap local GP advised me, , (me being someone who got a 95% ER+ via biopsy) against taking any hormone therapy. In fact she advised me against seeing an oncologist full stop. OMG, it’s frightening to think she’s still in practice. Anyway, I am very grateful now that I have both a great integrative GP and a great oncologist.
As far as my own personal hormone situation goes, I was still pre-menopausal, at the time of my secondary diagnosis (2017) and immediately awoke from my spell of ignorance placed on me by the 1st GP and went to and oncologist that started me on a monthly Goserlin (Zoladex) implant which stops my ovaries producing hormones, ( Plus I dove straight in with consistent use of high dose Vitamin C, the ketogenic diet for cancer -for at least 6 months, plus loads of ginger powder & curcumin with each meal. Please read for that leg of my journey. I didn’t know it at the time but the curcumin and high doses of vitamin C and the Zolodex were already blocking some of my cancer’s metabolic pathways.

O.K, so where am I …as of February 2019?

So I’m not blocking  them ‘all’ right now.

Clear Intentions for 2019



Christmas 2018 Update:
On one hand, I’m celebrating many great test results received throughout 2018. An ultrasound in September showed three tumors across my chest wall have vanished completely and regular blood tests indicate my tumor markers are well and truly in the ‘normal persons’ range. My MRI and full body bone scans from December indicate my cancer is stable and possibly even retreating in one of my vertebrae.

I’m also feeling more determined then ever, that I can clear this cancer out of my body. I’m happy with my super healthy, balanced low-carb diet and energetically balanced life, my strong immune system; all have all been a great achievements, but I’m feeling like I’m now in the right place on all levels to totally slay this cancer dragon.

I have been fortunate that in the past week I found this new book by U.K cancer out- smarter, Jane McLelland. It’s really a must read for anyone looking to out-smart the dragon that is cancer. Jane has mapped the metabolic pathways of the cancer cells and ways to block these pathways using affordable re-purposed medications, (both over the counter and prescription), alongside close attention to diet and  timing specific exercise.

I’ll keep you updated to how I chose to engage with the new information I’m integrating from the book and how my body responds over the coming months.

I’ve stuck this image of the Goddess Kali to my fridge to inspire me throughout the new year.